Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara — For the love of art…Join us!

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We, at the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (MCASB), were thrilled to kick-off Fiesta weekend with the opening reception of Bloom Projects: Brian Rochefort, Absorption by the Sun! Not only was it an amazing event for our community to come together to celebrate contemporary art, it was the first solo institutional exhibition of Los Angeles, California-based artist Brian Rochefort.

Bloom Projects features newly commissioned artwork by regional, national, and international emerging or under-recognized artists. All of us at MCASB are privileged to have been a part of this inaugural moment at the beginning of the Brian Rochefort’s career.

It is thanks to the crucial support of our members that we are able to present world-renowned contemporary artists, musicians, architects, and designers to our community, and in doing so, redefine the role of contemporary art in our amazing city of Santa Barbara.

If you enjoy attending our commanding exhibitions, participating in our stunning events, and engaging with our locally based students, who serve as Gallery Ambassadors—and you are not currently a member—join MCASB today! Here’s why…

Not only will your membership grant us the support we need to bring vital public programming and cutting-edge arts to our community, but it will also present you with exciting benefits including access to exclusive events, invitations to regional, domestic, and international art study tours, and rare opportunities to meet artists, curators, and collectors, locally and globally.

But wait, there’s more! Your membership with MCASB also grants you free access to more than 800 Museums through North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM) and Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (ROAM). If you believe in the arts and are committed to our mission to be at the forefront of contemporary art, we invite you to embark on this journey with us as a member of our MCASB family.

Want to talk more about membership perks?
Reach out to Kimberly at or call 805-966-5373 ext.107.

contemporary art UNLOCKED

contemporary art UNLOCKED
Thursday, August 8, 2019
6 – 7 pm at MCASB | $10 | FREE for Members

How do you “read” art? Learn to look closely and brush up on your visual literacy skills in our new series of monthly one-hour art appreciation meetups. Join a museum professional for an informal conversation about the current exhibition and leave equipped with a tool set to unlock the mysteries of contemporary art. Each unique conversation is guided by the interests of the group while providing insights into the specific work of featured contemporary artists. Bring a friend, an open mind, and curiosity to learn more about contemporary art; then continue the conversation over a complimentary glass of wine after. MCASB Members receive free admission. Please arrive on time, as spaces not filled by the start of the program will be opened to other interested parties.

Space is limited to 12 participants. To reserve your spot RSVP now!

Science Talk | Robin Matoza

The Inaudible Rumble of Volcanoes 
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
6 – 7 pm at MCASB

Volcanoes are not only spectacular agents of creation, but also of destruction. Serene mountains awaken from dormancy to threaten nearby populations and disrupt the global economy. This talk by Robin Matoza, Associate Professor of Geophysics, UC Santa Barbara, provides an introduction to Earth’s volcanism and its consequences and describes research on developing a new volcano monitoring method using low-frequency sound waves that are too low in pitch for humans to hear (infrasound).

To reserve your spot RSVP now!

Artist Talk | Brian Rochefort

Artist Talk | Brian Rochefort
Thursday, August 29, 2019
6 – 7 pm at MCASB

What began as a fascination with volcanoes and craters, such as Sierra Negra Crater in Ecuador, live volcanoes in Nicaragua, and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, shifted to interests in protected barrier reefs and tropical cloud forests, amongst other physical phenomena. Join artist Brian Rochefort for an exclusive walk through the current exhibition Bloom Projects: Brian Rochefort, Absorption by the Sun as he shares about his artistic process as well as his travels to remote locations throughout South and Central America, and East Africa.

To reserve your spot RSVP now!
