MICOP seeking community online vote by March 28 to support its women’s program

OXNARD — The Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project in Oxnard is seeking the community’s help so it can obtain a $10,000 grant for its women’s program, the organization reported Monday in a media release.

“… It would be a great help to us and our women’s program if you would click on the link below and vote for MICOP for a $10,000 grant from the Women’s Foundation of California,” the organization reported. The deadline is Thursday, March 28,

Here is the link:

“As you know, we serve indigenous farmworker women, many of whom only speak the Mixteco language and have very limited literacy. This grant would double our capacity to provide one-on-one support to Mixteco-speaking women in crisis, and provide funding to teach our women’s empowerment and financial literacy classes, helping women read their paycheck, open bank accounts, and improve healthy communication in their families. Thank You. It would also be great if you could also pass on this link.”

Contact Donna Foster, operations manager, at 805-320-0118, donna.foster@mixteco.org or visit
www.mixteco.org for more information.