MCASB is reopening on October 22!

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Welcome Back!
We’ve missed you…let’s hang out again? 
We are delighted to reopen our doors to the public starting Thursday, October 22, 2020, and invite you to experience our current exhibition Genevieve Gaignard, Outside Looking In. This exhibition has been patiently waiting for your return, and we are excited to share the experience with you.
   ?     Here’s how it works:      ?
Admission: FREE for all!

Reduced hours: Thursday – Sunday, 11 am – 3 pm
Scheduling your visit: All visitors, including members, are required to make an appointment online at least 24 hours in advance of your visit. Each appointment lasts 30 minutes and attendance will be limited to allow for proper physical distancing between guests.

For the safety of everyone at MCASB, all guests are required to: 

  • Wear a face covering that covers your nose & mouth at all times while in the museum (required for all guests 2+).
  • Maintain a safe distance from guests outside of your party (6 ft minimum).
  • Only visit if you are well. If you have a fever, cough, sore throat, or any other CoVid-19 symptoms, we ask you to please stay home.
  • Leave your bags, backpacks, and personal items, such as water bottles, at home, or in your vehicle, to prevent passing items to and from staff – we will be unable to hold them for you at the front desk.
  • As always, refrain from touching any of the art on display.

Questions? If you require assistance booking your appointment or have general questions about your visit please email us at

Click here to schedule your visit
Prepare for your visit by listening to Outside Looking Inon Spotify! Available on MCASB’s Spotify page, this playlist Is compiled by Genevieve Gaignard to accompany her exhibition.

Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to helping us reach $40k! We are so thrilled to see the support for MCASB within our community!

When you donate to our Perfect Match campaign, your impact will be doubled with a dollar-for-dollar donation matching up to $90k!

Click here to read more about our recommitment to our role within Santa Barbara, and what your gift supports.

We’ve joined the Safe Space Alliance

MCASB is a space where the LGBTQI+ community can freely express themselves without fear. It is a space that does not tolerate violence, bullying, or hate speech towards the LGBTQI+ community.

MCASB FACE MASKS!It’s not too late to get your MCASB face masks inspired by vintage wallpaper sourced by current exhibiting artist, Genevieve Gaignard. Head on over to our webstore to get yours!

These face masks are the perfect accessory for your next visit to the museum!

Are you registered to vote? Monday, October 19th is the last day to register to vote in California! Register or check your registration status here on Santa Barbara County’s website.Visit to prepare your voting strategy, learn more about this image by artist Sanford Biggers (@sanfordbiggers), and view other artworks.

Follow us to stay up-to-date on all things MCASB!

Copyright © 2020 Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara, All rights reserved.