May is Military Appreciation Month

VENTURA —  Military Appreciation Month is a time for Americans to recognize those who have answered the call to serve their country. The country’s military personnel and veterans have endured difficult conditions to protect the United States and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the nation for generations to come.

Unfortunately, many of the people who have served in the military are unaware of the benefits and programs available to them as a result of their service. The Human Services Agency works with Ventura County veterans, their dependents and their survivors to access benefits from federal, state and local agencies.

The Veterans Services Office works to help veterans gain access to financial assistance and medical treatment. Services include assistance with claims to the VA for service-related compensation; pensions for wartime veterans with non-service-related disabilities; tuition fee waivers; memorial benefits; VA life insurance; and medical referrals and information.

“I’d like to call everyone’s attention to the fact that May is Military Appreciation Month,” said Mike McManus, the County’s Veteran Services Officer and retired U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sergeant. “The month includes five national observances to recognize and honor the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, as well as their families.”

  • May 1 – Loyalty Day. A day set aside for the confirmation of loyalty to the United States and for reflection on the proud heritage of American freedom.
  • May 8 – Victory in Europe Day. The day recognizes May 8, 1945 as the day Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allies, marking the end of World War II in Europe.
  • May 11 (this year) – Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Traditionally set for the Friday before Mother’s Day, it honors military spouses by recognizing the important role military families play in keeping our Armed Forces strong.
  • May 19 (this year) – Armed Forces Day. Celebrated the third Saturday in May, it is a day to thank military members for their service to the United States by honoring those serving in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard, whether on active duty, or serving in the National Guard or Reserve.
  • May 28 (this year) – Memorial Day. It is celebrated on the last Monday in May. Memorial Day commemorates the men and women who died in service to the United States.

If Ventura County veterans have questions about federal and state VA benefits, they are invited to contact the Veteran Services Office at (805) 477-5155, or visit the website at:

The County of Ventura thanks all veterans for their service.