May 6 — Mind and Supermind Lecture Presents Expert Mindfulness Coach, Dave Mochel, on Unconditional Wellbeing – How Living Mindfully Can Save the World

SANTA BARBARA — Local author, internationally known mindfulness coach, Dave Mochel, to share daily practices that change lives, relationships, and cultures

With the skyrocketing interest in mindfulness, SBCC School of Extended Learning is pleased to present in-demand, entertaining TEDx presenter and internationally known mindfulness coach Dave Mochel, to unpack the concept of the unconditional well-being – health and happiness that is independent of your circumstances – and how to practice it in your daily life. Mochel will deliver the Spring Mind and Supermind lecture, Monday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. at SBCC School of Extended Learning Schott Campus Auditorium.

The human brain is complicated. We are wired to seek comfort and pleasure, and to seek meaning and purpose. Sometimes these impulses compete and sometimes they are complementary. Which of these impulses we choose to nurture has enormous implications for our individual well-being and the survival of the planet.

“The evidence from scientific research, lasting wisdom, and personal reflection is that the good life is a practice,” said Mochel. “It is the practice of working peacefully with what is outside your control and powerfully with what is within your control.”

Dave Mochel, founder of, teaches proven practices for converting
stress, anxiety, resistance, frustration, and distraction into fulfillment, growth, and connection. Mochel coached new and established leaders, including championship athletes, health care professionals, educators, and entertainers. He helped start an international leadership academy that serves students from more than sixty countries. His local consulting clients include Cottage Health, Towbes Group, Knox School for Gifted Children, Crane School and Santa Barbara and Goleta public schools. Mochel serves as a lecturer in the School of Health and Human Performance at Stanford University.

Mochel draws on his experience as a two-time cancer survivor, and more than thirty years of studying and teaching the practices and principles of mindfulness, well-being, and leadership. View Mochel’s popular TedX talk, What Are You Practicing Right Now?

  • WHAT: SBCC School of Extended Learning Mind and Supermind lecture, “Unconditional Wellbeing – How Living Mindfully Can Save the World”
  • WHEN: Monday, May 6, 2019, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
  • WHERE: Schott Auditorium, 10 W Padre St., Santa Barbara, CA 93105
  • ADMISSION: $20
  • EVENT INFO: (805) 687-0812
  • Course number: 22430

“For more than thirty-five years, the Mind and Supermind series connects our community with top minds and dynamic speakers, like Dave Mochel, around cutting-edge topics of human psychology and global consequence,” said Andy Harper, SBCC School of Extended Learning Senior Director.

Dr. Spence Sherman will be the evening’s moderator.

About Dave Mochel: As the foremost expert in the practice of mindful self-regulation, Dave Mochel illuminates the incredible human capacity for unconditional well-being – the ability to thrive and grow independent of circumstances. Moreover, he shows how we can leverage this capacity with simple daily practices that foster peaceful and powerful lives, relationships, and cultures. Mochel draws on his experience as a two-time cancer survivor, and more than thirty years of studying and teaching the practices and principles of mindfulness, well-being, and leadership.

As the founder and CEO of Applied Attention Coaching and Consulting, Dave works internationally with individuals, teams, and leaders to help them focus their attention and energy where it will make the greatest positive difference. He combines modern science, enduring wisdom, and practical application in a way that is engaging, interactive, and transformative.

Dave has degrees in biology and geology from Williams College, a Master’s in Humanistic and Multicultural Education from SUNY New Paltz, and a clinical internship in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. He is also the father of two adult boys.

About the SBCC School of Extended Learning: The School of Extended Learning responds to the diverse learning needs of the adult population in the Santa Barbara community by advancing career and life skills, and building bridges to credit.