May 31 — Free LightGabler Webinar: ‘There Must Be Fifty Ways to Leave Your Employee-Handling Employee Terminations’

Karen Gabler. Courtesy photo.

CAMARILLO — Employment law firm LightGabler is presenting a free employment law webinar, “There Must Be Fifty Ways to Leave Your Employee: Handling Employee Terminations.” The webinar is Wednesday, May 31 from 10:30 a.m. to noon.

California is an at-will employment state, and yet it also has the highest number of wrongful termination cases in the nation. Avoiding employee lawsuits (even when they are frivolous) requires that employers effectively and lawfully handle employee terminations.

In this webinar for employers, supervisors and human resource professionals, LightGabler employment law attorney Karen L. Gabler will discuss how to prepare for, execute, and then manage the aftermath of employee terminations.

Reservations are required. Attendance is limited to no more than two logins per company. Login instructions will be provided upon registration and again via email the day prior to the webinar. To register, go to

For more information about LightGabler, visit or call 805-248-7208.

About LightGabler — LightGabler is an award-winning employment law firm representing employers and their management. The firm provides legal services throughout California in employment counsel, employment litigation on behalf of management, intellectual property and unfair competition. The firm is focused on keeping businesses working, growing and prospering. 805-248-7208,