March 9 through 11 — ¡Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara! presents Gaby Moreno and her trio in free concerts

CENTRAL COAST — Latin Grammy-winner Gaby Moreno performs with her trio in free family performances with ¡Viva el Arte de Santa Bárbara! Hear her them at Isla Vista School, Friday, March 9, 7 pm; then at Guadalupe City Hall, Saturday, March 10, 7 pm; and at the Marjorie Luke Theatre, Santa Barbara Jr. High, Sunday, March 11, 7 pm.

Gaby Moreno describes her music as, “Spanish folk-soul,” and her original blend of Jazz, Blues and 1960s Rock & Soul has earned the respect and appreciation of audiences in Latin America, Europe and U.S. In 2013, she received a Latin Grammy for Best New Artist.  Previously in 2006, she won the Grand Prize at the John Lennon Songwriting Contest.  Moreno co-wrote the theme song for NBC’s hit television show Parks and Recreation and recorded the theme song for Disney’s Elena of Avalor series. In 2012 Gaby recordedFuiste Tu with the legendary Guatemalen singer-songwriter Ricardo Arjona.


  • FREE CONCERT –Friday, March 9, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Isla Vista School, 6875 El Colegio Rd., Goleta
  • FREE CONCERT– Saturday, March 10, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Guadalupe City Hall, 918 Obispo Street, Guadalupe
  • FREE CONCERT – Sunday, March 11, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Marjorie Luke Theatre, Santa Barbara Jr. High, 721 E. Cota Street, Santa Barbara