March 23 — ‘Book Publishing 1-2-3’ workshop to be held in Oak Park

Laurie Gibson. Courtesy photo.

OAK PARK — A “Book Publishing 1-2-3” workshop will be held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 23 at the Oak Park Community Center & Gardens, 1000 N. Kanan Road, Oak Park.

Grab a pen and join us for this lively 90-minute workshop, sprinkled with ideas and stories to inspire and empower writers of all types. We’ll start by checking out today’s book business (both traditional and indie publishing), then share valuable resources to help aspiring authors connect with literary agents and editors.

Seeking to boost your command of the craft? We’ll offer ideas you can employ to add some spunk and sparkle to your prose, including a gem from a gutsy, trailblazing comedy star. If reaching readers via promotion is on your radar, listen in for stories about how authors choose and use marketing tactics that fit their style.

The “1-2-3” session also includes real-time writing prompts, handouts, and Q&A.

$20 per person ? cash or check only. Part of each admission goes to a local environmental group for habitat restoration in Ventura County, kicking off the presenter’s “Let’s Endow a Forest!” campaign. 

Registration Required. To reserve your seat, please sign up by calling the presenter at 858-635-1233 (note: number doesn’t accept texts), emailing her at, or connecting via LinkedIn

Presented by Laurie Gibson, a professional editor with decades of experience serving individual writers as well as publishers (e.g., Harcourt, Aspen, Condé Nast), nonprofits (e.g., the Southern Poverty Law Center), corporations (e.g., SDG&E), and universities (e.g., Stanford). In addition to serving innumerable business clients, Laurie has also proofread the work of novelist Alice Walker, business guru Brian Tracy,  Yvon Chouinard (founder of Patagonia Inc.), former U.S. President Herbert Hoover, and “Parrothead” Jimmy Buffet. She taught editing for the Extension programs of UCSD and UCLA for several years. And she recently finished writing her first novel, featuring British punk rockers The Clash.

“Book Publishing 1-2-3” was spotlighted in a sister newspaper of the Los Angeles Times.