March 18 — Bilingual report — Hospice of Santa Barbara Virtual Speaker Series – illuminate Presents Dr. BJ Miller

Dr. BJ Miller is next on their illuminate Speaker Series line up and will present Let It Fall: The Power of Existential Crises.  Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARA — Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) has adjusted to the new realities that come with COVID-19 by creating their illuminate Speaker Series – a series which not only addresses aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic but also offers help to those struggling to understand their place in this new reality.

One way the organization is transitioning to serve is to provide helpful resources to our community and beyond as they relate to COVID-19 through this virtual series that features a new world renowned speaker every month. Past speakers include Roshi Joan Halifax, Frank Ostaseski, Katy Butler and Sharon Salzberg.

Next up on the illuminate Speaker Series line-up is Dr. BJ Miller, who will present Let It Fall: The Power of Existential Crises on Thursday, March 18th at 6:00 PM PDT.  

Miller will go over how 2020 has shaken us to the point where nothing can be taken for granted and death is being realized as something that can come at any time. This is hard news, but it’s also an essential human experience and what our patients and families go through all the time. In this webinar, we will explore what binds us as human beings underneath our roles and learn practical ways to reframe your experience.

Dr. BJ Miller is a hospice and palliative medicine physician who has worked in many settings—inpatient, outpatient, hospice facility, and home—and now sees patients and families at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Miller speaks all over the country and beyond on the theme of living well in the face of death. He has been profiled in The New York Times and interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, Tim Ferriss, and Krista Tippett.

“Hospice of Santa Barbara established the illuminate Speaker Series to address many of the struggles we face that have been heightened during the pandemic,” said David Selberg, CEO of Hospice of Santa Barbara. “Dr. BJ Miller will give us a new outlook on life and death. He will also give us insight on how we can continue to move forward as we navigate through this yearly mark of the pandemic.”

 As we all know, people are reeling from this world-wide crisis emotionally, socially, and economically. People have shared a variety of intense feelings they are experiencing during this time, among them: fear, deep sadness, anxiety, grief, uncertainty over the present and what the future holds, vulnerability, despair, anger, hopelessness. HSB will have a new nationally-known speaker every month.

The series continues through 2021 with Dr. Sunita Puri in April, Jenée Johnson in May, Nora McIerny in July and Pico Iyer in August. Hospice of Santa Barbara would like to give a special thanks to Natalie Orfalea Foundation and Lou Buglioli, Ridley-Tree Cancer Center, Santa Barbara Foundation, Robin and Roger Himovitz and CenCal Health for sponsoring this event.

To find out more, and register for the event, please visit:

Para obtener más información y registrarse para el evento, visite:

Interpretación simultanea al español disponsible.


La serie de oradores de Hospice of Santa Barbara, Illuminate, presenta a Dr. BJ Miller – Déjalo Caer: El poder de una crisis existencial

Acompáñenos a la serie de oradores de Hospice of Santa Barbara, Illuminate, con el Dr. BJ Miller, quien presentará su charla Déjalo Caer: El poder de una crisis existencial este jueves 18 de marzo a las 6:00 PM PDT.

En este seminario virtual, Miller hablara sobre cómo el 2020 nos ha sacudido hasta el punto en que nada se puede tomar a la ligera y la realización de que la muerte es algo que puede llegar en cualquier momento. La muerte suele ser una mala noticia, pero también es una experiencia humana esencial. En este seminario virtual exploraremos lo que nos une como seres humanos debajo de nuestras vidas cotidianas y aprenderemos maneras prácticas de reformular nuestra experiencia.

El evento es gratis, pero es necesario registrarse. Para obtener más información y registrarse para el evento, visite:

Fecha: jueves 18 de marzo 2021

Hora: 6:00 PDT

Costo: Gratis

Enlace de registración:

Hospice of Santa Barbara — Hospice of Santa Barbara provides professional counseling, support groups, and patient care services free of charge to individuals and families who are grieving the death of a loved one or experiencing the impact of a life-threatening illness. Hospice of Santa Barbara also provides counseling in our offices and on fifteen local junior and high school campuses to children and teens who are grieving the loss of a loved one. For more information about Hospice of Santa Barbara, including volunteer opportunities, call (805) 563-8820 or visit