Make your plans to support CLU School of Management on Cares Day

Dear School of Management Community,

This has been a year like no other but the School of Management is still going strong. We persevere because we have a beautiful community of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members! We kept you engaged, for example, by offering all of our events online with complimentary registration, we started several new webinar series for continued learning and kept you up-to-date through our many social channels. We also did our best to make you proud: We achieved full professional business school accreditation by ACBSP and we repurposed a generous gift by Mr. Steven Dorfman to benefit high-achieving students and our many efforts in entrepreneurship. Now we request your assistance during Cares Day to help us in continuing the good work with the next generation of students.

During Cal Lutheran’s CARES DAY on April 7th, the School of Management will be raising funds for three causes and you can choose what you are most passionate about:

  1. A Student Competition Fund
  2. New School of Management Building
  3. Greatest Need

WATCH and learn more through our short video summaries below.

Learn what our students say about what they gained by competing in competitions
Experiential learning is an ever more important element of cutting-edge education. Both our undergraduate and graduate students have options to test their newly acquired knowledge and skills against other students in competitions.

Your generous gift will go towards participation fees and other required resources necessary to take part in these outstanding experiential learning opportunities. Donate today.

DONATE to the Student Competition Fund to support our students
Imagine what the new building will look like on the inside
The transformative power of bringing students, faculty, alumni, business leaders, and the wider community together under one roof will revolutionize the way we teach and learn, the way we build teams, and the way we prepare our graduates for the pace of real-world business.

Your gift will help us build a new hub for the School of Management community. Donate today.

DONATE to the new School of Management building
There are many ways to be a part of Cares Day with the School of Management:

  • Be a fundraiser through your own personalized Cares Day webpage. Start here.
  • Share your story here
  • Spread the word, include @CalLutheranSOM, #CLUSOM, and #CalLutheranCares using the Cares Day toolkit.
  • Engage, react, share, and retweet with School of Management and Cal Lutheran anytime during the 24 hours of Cares Day. SOM social media directory

We are #StrongerTogether, so any way that you can help would be appreciated.


Next Gen Mentoring Forum
Tues., April 6   |  1:00 PM (PT)

The tele-financial planning (or virtual financial planning) practices is not new. However, the coronavirus pandemic came with the new normal of tele-financial planning. Dr. Chien will interview Derek J. Sensenig, MBA, CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, RICP®, on “How Can Advisors improve Tele-Financial Planning?”


REGISTER for Next Gen Mentoring Program
Wed., April 21 |  12:00-1:30 pm

This webinar brings together experts in the area of local economic development. The participants will share their insights on the public policy changes that can be made, to address the gaps that exist, to help restaurants recover. Learn about the role of local government in invigorating local businesses/ local economy and the synergies of government-private sector in the LA/ Ventura County areas.

Learn about the panel

Register for Forward Together panel discussion


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