Local groups receive grants from Social Justice Fund for Ventura County

Grantees will be honored during “Celebration of Justice” reception on Nov. 8 in Ventura.

One Step a la Vez for the One Step Adelante, the  Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy,  El Centrito Family Learning Centers and the Mixteco/Indígena Community Organizing Project are among a group of six organizations that will be receiving grants when the Social Justice Fund for a Sustainable Economy holds its annual “Celebration of Justice” reception on Nov. 8 in Ventura.

The reception will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8 at Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, 5654 Ralston St., Ventura. A $20 donation is suggested.

A total of  $59,075 was awarded to the following groups:

  • $10,000 to One Step a la Vez for the One Step Adelante program. This is a leadership development and consciousness-raising project with youth and adults in Piru, Fillmore and Santa Paula that empowers them to address issues relating to environmental concerns and social inequities (including the already identified concerns such as cleaning up the Fillmore toxic waste superfund site, improving transportation in the Santa Clara Valley and improving police relations.)  Fiscal sponsor is The Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley.
  • $10,000 to the Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) for the Ventura Avenue United Leadership Team (VAULT). This project will continue to develop the leadership of Ventura Avenue residents and create the Ventura Avenue Leadership Team (a team of resident leaders) that will take action to impact the land-use decisions that will shape the future of the Westside of Ventura for the next 30 years. Areas being addressed are: public transportation, the need for park space, affordable housing and combatting the possible gentrification of the neighborhood.
  • $9,075 to the Coalition for Sustainable Transportation (COAST) for the Expanding Grassroots Transit Advocacy in Ventura County project. This project is designed to help transit-dependent riders to address the systemic inequalities in funding and access by increasing the capacity of the Ventura County Bus Riders Union while continuing to build on the Lifeline Transit Plan.
  • $10,000 for El Centrito Family Learning Centers for the Padres Promotores Education project which works to reduce the education achievement gaps in the Oxnard Latino community. The project uses Spanish speaking community parents who train fellow parents on the academic pathways to achieve higher education.
  • $10,000 to the Mixteco/Indígena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) for the Tequio Youth Group project. The project develops leadership skills among indigenous immigrant youth to promote indigenous pride, encourage academic achievement and advocate against eliminate bullying of indigenous young people.
  • $10,000 for Ventura County Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE-VC) for the Dreamers Without Borders project which is a network of undocumented youth and allies mobilizing to bring students “out of the shadows” to fight for equal opportunity in education and to promote immigrants’ rights and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Reservations for the Nov. 8 reception are due by Nov. 2 to cristina@socialjusticefundvc.org

Visit http://www.socialjusticefundvc.org/ for more information.