Last Day — United Way of Ventura County’s 2021 Stuff The Bus Campaign

United Way of Ventura County’s
2021 Stuff the Bus
This is the last day for our Stuff the Bus school supply drive!
Thank you for helping us reach our goal!
Provide essential school supplies for local students experiencing homelessness or from disadvantaged families.
You can help pave the path to academic success for a child from a homeless or low-income family. Furthermore, your support not only provides essential school supplies – studies show that it also promotes learning, building self-esteem, and helps ensure that our youth stay in school.
Because of the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that the need for support among families that are homeless and low-income families has increased greatly. So your help is needed this year more than ever.
It can cost as little as $11.00 to provide a full set of supplies for a student in need! Please consider sponsoring a student(s) with a complete package.
For more information, visit or contact Susan Englund at
Thank you for your kindness and support!
About United Way of Ventura County
Since 1945, United Way of Ventura County has advanced the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. United Way identifies the root causes of poverty and works strategically to solve them by building alliances across all sectors, funding targeted programs and advocating for change. When we work together in common purpose, we LIVE UNITED. For more information about United Way of Ventura County, visit