June 3 — Santa Barbara Museum of Art to present Free Family Art-Making Workshop

Sunday, June 3, 11 am – 12 pm
Free Family Art-Making Workshop

Join us for a Free Family Art-Making Workshop with artist Pattie Porter Firestone focused on the sculpture Leaves of Grass, currently on view in the State of the Art Gallery project. Using Walt Whitman’s poem as inspiration, the whole family is invited to use colored strips of card paper to depict nature in three dimensions. Simplify the forms seen in nature and illustrate the forces of nature moving in those forms. Come have fun cutting and gluing colored strips of cardboard to create your own work of art.


Each session is limited to 20 participants and advanced registration is required. To register, contact Luna Vallejo-Howard at 884.6457 or lvallejo-howard@sbma.net.

This workshop is a collaboration between the Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art.


Family Resource Center

Santa Barbara Museum of Art

1130 State Street, Santa Barbara