July 25 — Allan Hancock College to debut new piano during ‘Midday Mini-Concert’

Hancock will show off a new concert piano at a special performance on July 25 in Boyd Concert Hall at the college’s Fine Arts Complex. *** Hancock presentará su nuevo piano de concierto el 25 de julio dentro de la Sala de Conciertos Boyd (Boyd Concert Hall) en el Complejo de Bellas Artes del colegio. Courtesy photo.

SANTA MARIA — Allan Hancock College is inviting community members to see and hear the newest addition to the college’s Boyd Concert Hall: a world-class concert piano.

The instrument, a Steinway Model D concert piano, is the overwhelming choice of the world’s greatest pianists and will make its debut during a Festival Mozaic Midday Mini-Concert at Boyd Hall in the college’s Fine Arts Complex (bldg. F) on July 25 from 12-1 p.m.

The piano, valued at $175,000, was purchased by the Allan Hancock College Foundation using funds from the estate of the late Patricia “Patty” Boyd. In addition to being featured in college musical productions, the instrument will also be utilized by students and faculty in Hancock’s music programs.

“Thanks to funding left by Ms. Boyd, we are thrilled to bring this truly remarkable instrument to our campus, where it will be used by students and faculty for years to come,” said Jon Hooten, Ph.D., executive director of college advancement and the AHC Foundation.

The July 25 concert will feature cellist Alexander Hersh and pianist Susan Grace, who will perform works for cello and piano by Debussy, Webern, and others. Hersh gave his Carnegie Hall debut recital in 2022 and quickly established himself as one of the most exciting and creative talents of his generation. He has frequently appeared as a soloist with major orchestras, including the Houston Symphony and the Boston POPS, and has received top prizes at competitions worldwide. Grace is an associate chair, artist-in-residence and lecturer in music at Colorado College and the music director of the Colorado College Summer Music Festival. She has performed as a recitalist, chamber musician, and concerto soloist in the United States, Europe, the former Soviet Union, South Korea, India and China.

Festival Mozaic hosts more than 30 events each year – including a two-week summer festival and a year-round chamber music and presenting series – and maintains a vibrant virtual presence. The Festival emphasizes offering performances in unique Central Coast venues, including historic and outdoor venues, as well as contemporary concert halls.

Tickets for the July 25 concert are free, but space is limited. To learn more and get tickets, visit https://bit.ly/ahcpiano


SANTA MARIA – – Allan Hancock College invita a la comunidad a ver y escuchar la nueva incorporacio?n a la Sala de Conciertos Boyd (Boyd Concert Hall): un piano de concierto de clase mundial.

El piano de concierto, un Steinway Modelo D, es el instrumento preferido entre los mejores pianistas del mundo y hara? su debut durante un Mini concierto del Mediodi?a del Festival Mozaic, en la Sala de Conciertos Boyd (Boyd Concert Hall) dentro del Complejo de Bellas Artes (edificio F) el 25 de julio de 12 a 1 p.m.

El piano, valorado en $175,000, fue comprado por la Fundacio?n Allan Hancock utilizando fondos del patrimonio de la fallecida Patricia “Patty” Boyd. Adema?s de ser presentado en producciones musicales del colegio, el instrumento tambie?n sera? utilizado por estudiantes y profesores en los programas de mu?sica de Hancock.

“Gracias a los fondos dejados por la Sra. Boyd, estamos encantados de traer este instrumento a nuestro campus, donde sera? utilizado por estudiantes y profesores por muchos an?os,” dijo Jon Hooten, Ph.D. director ejecutivo de avance colegial y la Fundacio?n AHC.

El concierto del 25 de julio contara? con el violonchelista Alexander Hersh y la pianista Susan Grace, quienes interpretara?n obras para violonchelo y piano de Debussy, Webern y otros. Hersh hizo su debut en Carnegie Hall en 2022 y ra?pidamente se establecio? como uno de los talentos ma?s impactantes y creativos de su generacio?n. Ha aparecido como solista con grandes orquestas, como la Sinfo?nica de Houston y los Boston POPS. Grace es subdirectora, artista residente y conferencista en mu?sica en Colorado College y directora musical del Colorado College Summer Music Festival. Grace se ha presentado en Europa, la ex Unio?n Sovie?tica, Corea del Sur, China y la India.

Festival Mozaic organiza ma?s de 30 eventos anuales, incluyendo un festival de verano de dos semanas y una serie de presentaciones durante todo el an?o. El festival se destaca por ofrecer actuaciones en lugares u?nicos en la Costa Central, incluyendo sitios histo?ricos, al aire libre y dentro de sala de conciertos contempora?neas.

La entrada para el concierto de 25 de julio es gratis, pero el cupo es limitado. Para ma?s informacio?n visite: https://bit.ly/ahcpiano