January News from People’s Self-Help Housing

Newsletter | January 2021

Thanks to a generous donation from a local organic produce company, over 600 PSHH residents in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties recently received fresh produce boxes delivered to their doors! 
Dear Friend,
Leadership may very likely be on your mind, with changes of leaders happening now at the national level, leaders at the state level recently announcing decisions over budgets and policy, and local leaders governing critical issues and responses to covid and vaccines – leadership seems to be in our collective focus!  And of course leadership matters, to get us through hard times and challenges, solve tough issues, and to do good and difficult things, that are best accomplished in unity. At People’s we have multiple great leaders in dozens of departments, set to lead us into the new year, and ready for starting a new chapter altogether. Each is skilled in motivating the individuals within their groups toward reaching our company’s goals, in giving focused guidance for directing our activities toward implementing our strategic plan, and thereby meeting the needs of our communities. Leaders aren’t successful though without greatness coming out through those around them, to do the hard work that is required to make the mission happen.Read More
Creating a Legacy
The Legacy Circle recognizes our cherished planned givers. The gifts that will come from their estates, will have a profound, and lasting impact on generations of PSHH residents.Thank you to our current members:Anonymous  |  Anonymous  |  Anonymous  |  Jeanette & Corky Duncan  |  Gene Hershberger  |  Adele Rosen  |  Annette Schlosser  |  Sharon Turner

If you have made a future provision for PSHH, please let us know so we can recognize your kindness and vision. our organization has the ability to be the beneficiary of retirement plans, annuities, charitable remainder gifts, real estate, stocks, and most kind of investments.

if you would like to support our mission in this most impactful way, please contact us at giving@pshhc.org so we might be of assistance.

In Home Theaters Now…
Are you subscribed to our YouTube channel? We’ve got lots of great content ready for you to stream from the comfort of your home! Take a look at some of our most recent videos:

Camino Scholars Conversations

Templeton Place II – Under Construction!
January Partnerships
Thank you to all our incredible partners who have helped support our mission this month:

  • National Equity Fund – $8,500 in support of the Camino Scholars program
  • California Coalition for Rural Housing – $10,000 in support of the Resident Assistance Fund
  • Housing and Urban Development Service Coordinator COVID Supplement – $11,000 in support of the Supportive Housing Program for seniors
Introducing the John Fowler Scholarship…
In recognition of the devoted service of our previous President & CEO, the PSHH board has created the John Fowler Scholarship.Each year, two students who live at a PSHH property will receive a financial award to support their attendance at a four-year university, community college, or vocational school. For more information on these impactful scholarships, please contact education@pshhc.org.
During COVID-19 closures, contact us with inquiries at (805) 781-3088 or info@pshhc.org. For property contact information, visit pshhc.org/looking-for-housing.

Peoples Self Help Housing

3533 Empleo Street

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401