Jan. 26 — OC Live presents Matt Sedillo and David A. Romero in a multi-media spoken word performance

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?“…stone cold the best political poet in America…”



Matt Sedillo


David A. Romero

in a multi-media spoken word performance

The Latinx Giant

Thursday, January 26 @ 6 PM

in the Performing Arts Building

Join award-winning spoken word artists Matt Sedillo and David A. Romero as they ask the important questions: what has caused the great migrations from Latin America? How do immigrants and first-generation Latinxs simultaneously embrace and reject previous trends towards assimilation and integration? How has “the Latinx Giant” already affected the outcome of the national elections? Perhaps most importantly, who in America recognizes this shift, and how are they responding: for better, or worse?

“Matt Sedillo is stone-cold the best political poet in America.  Every wildly inventive line is the snap of a switch-blade. Forget the pretentious toffs who poetize for the NPR crowd. Sedillo is Vengeance — the one we’ve been waiting for.”  Greg Palast, author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

For more information about this event see our event page
No tickets required. Parking is free.

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