Jan. 20 — Santa Barbara Museum of Art presents Travel Lecture Series features author and travel leader Nigel McGilchrist

Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARA — The Santa Barbara Museum of Art will present its Travel Lecture Series on Jan. 20 at its Mary Craig Auditorium, 1130 State St., Santa Barbara.

Events include:

Friday, January 20, 10 am
A Conversation between Cherished SBMA Travel Leaders: Susie Orso and Nigel McGilchrist
Susie Orso and Nigel McGilchrist converse and reminisce about the Museum’s Travel Program over its busy half-century of historydiscussing what the real significance of travel is for us, how travel is done at its best, and what instructive lessons we all learned from our abstention during the pandemic years. They share stories and joyous moments and pictures from recent journeys, far and wide, with the Museum’s indomitable group of traveling members and friends.
Location for all: SBMA’s Mary Craig Auditorium, 1130 State Street, Santa Barbara
Cost for each: $10 SBMA Members/$15 Non-Members
Purchase tickets at tickets.sbma.net