Jan. 16 — Social Justice Fund for Ventura County’s 2020 Fellowship Grantees to speak

VENTURA COUNTY — With Chalice of Newbury Park, the Social Justice Fund of Ventura County is sponsoring a Community Forum where 3 of our Social Justice Fellows are speaking. Come and hear about their projects and their passion for social justice and spend a very inspiring evening. The 2020 Social Justice Fellows will talk about their projects followed by an interactive Q & A.

Here are the three Social Justice Fund for Ventura County’s 2020 Fellowship Grantees who will speak

  • Sara Guillen has a project to identify nutritional needs in Oxnard to help launch a healthy food project with the Westminster Free Clinic. She will also share the results of her research with local leaders to raise awareness of the need for healthy food in our most marginalized communities in the county.
  • Elibet Valencia Munoz has a project to create a video and photographic documentary of a traditional Mixteco and Afro – Caribbean Dance “La Danza de los Diablos.” Through this work she hopes to honor the Mixteco culture, conduct exhibitions throughout Ventura County and create material for ethnic studies in our schools.
  • Kativa Rai from Justice in the Classroom, a group of high schools and college students who will receive a capacity grant to help them pay for a zoom account, non-profit status and a web site. This group is seeking to end the lack of diversity, equity and inclusion across schools in Ventura County.

Saturday, January 16th – 7:00 p.m. PT (via Zoom)

Register for the Event

SJFVC provides funds to emerging leaders who have a passion for social justice and a project impacting Ventura County. After registering you will receive a link to the event. See you there.