Jan. 13 — Be inspired by the work of Manual Álvarez Bravo at the next FREE Studio Sunday at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art

Left: Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Calabaza y Caracol (Squash and Snail), 1928. Platinum print. SBMA, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Hernandez in honor of their son, Lorenzo Nicolas Hernandez. © Archivo Manuel Álvarez Bravo, S.C. Courtesy images.

Sunday, January 13, 1:30 – 4:30 pm

Studio Sunday

Visitors of all ages are welcome to participate in this hands-on workshop with SBMA Teaching Artists in the Museum’s Family Resource Center. Each month explore a different medium, including clay, metal, ink, wood, photography, and paper, and gain inspiration from works of art in the Museum’s permanent collection or special exhibitions.

In January, reimagine Manual Álvarez Bravo’s Calabaza y Caracol (Squash and Snail) by colorizing a black-and-white detail from the photograph in chalk pastel and adding a snail sculpted in primary-colored modeling clay.



Family Resource Center

Santa Barbara Museum of Art
1130 State Street, Santa Barbara