Jackson Applauds Funding for Highway 101 Expansion in Santa Barbara

SACRAMENTO State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) on May 17 applauded the California Transportation Commission for awarding Santa Barbara more than $183 million for the Highway 101 expansion project. Coupled with an award of more than $170 million from the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program for improvements to the region’s intercity and commuter rail system, the investment will go a long way toward meeting the region’s 21st century transportation needs.

“I am ecstatic to see such robust state and local investment in our region’s transportation infrastructure. This Highway 101 expansion will reduce congestion, improve travel time, and provide capacity to address future demand. Coupled with the recent investment in our intercity rail, this award is critical to our region’s economic future and ability to meet our growing transportation needs. I applaud the California Transportation Commission for prioritizing this project.”

Jackson represents the 19th Senate District, which includes all of Santa Barbara County and western Ventura County.