Immigration talk set for Feb. 1 in Santa Barbara

The discussion”Arizona in Santa Barbara?,” will be presented at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1 at the UCSB Multicultural Center, in the MCC Theater, Santa Barbara.

This is a tense moment for immigrant rights, not only in Arizona but throughout the nation. Here in Santa Barbara there is increasing surveillance and harassment of immigrants, which is tied to stepped-up racial profiling of Latinos, the center reported in a media release. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a federal law enforcement agency under the United States Department of Homeland Security, regularly deports people from Santa Barbara.

This forum is presented by PUEBLO — People United for Economic Justice /Building Leadership Through Organizing.

PUEBLO Director Belén Seará will discuss issues of immigrant rights and the fight against racial profiling of Latin0s. Faculty members who work on these problems will respond. An open discussion will follow.

PUEBLO is also seeking volunteers and offering internships for UC students. Co-sponsored by the Asian American Studies Department and the Center for New Racial Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.

For more information, call 805.893.7609 or visit