Hundreds expected to Flood Oxnard City Council Meeting on June 5 on Proposed City Budget; Residents, Community Leaders, and Public Employees to Call on Council to Save Oxnard’s Arts, Libraries, Jobs. Please see related stories

Slash and Burn Approach Outlined in Proposed Budget Will Close La Colonia Branch Library, Carnegie Art Museum, Performing Arts Center, and Layoff Dozens of City Employees; Residents Will Speak Out Against City’s Knee-Jerk Decision to Rectify Years of Financial Mismanagement by Shuttering Cultural Landmarks

OXNARD— Hundreds of Oxnard residents, community leaders, and City employees are  expected to descend on City Hall Wednesday evening, June 5to urge the Oxnard City Council to save vital public services and keep cultural landmarks open by voting no on City Manager Alex Nguyen’s proposed budget. The spending plan, which proposes cutting over $6 million from cultural programming and public works, will shutter several of the city’s cultural landmarks, scale back community programming, and layoff nearly 30 City employees. The proposed cuts come after years of financial mismanagement by City leaders, who now aim to right the ship by cutting programs and services Oxnard residents depend on.

Participants will call on the Council not to adopt the City Manager’s proposed budget on June 18th, and instead go back to the drawing board to determine how to keep the City’s vital services intact and cultural landmarks open and functioning.

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