Hospice of Santa Barbara Takes Part in Delivering 120 Lunches to Local Seniors

HSB Volunteer, Laura Reske, helps prep surprise lunches from Shalhoob for Villa Santa Fe Seniors. Courtesy photos.

SANTA BARBARA — As a way to give back to our community in this time of need, Shalhoob’s and Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) delivered 120 meals from Shalhoob’s to the senior living complex Village Santa Fe Apartments, a Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara property. Hospice of Santa Barbara provided 12 volunteers who helped pack and deliver the meals donated by Shalhoob’s.

“We are so grateful of Shalhoob’s generosity during this time and happy we could take part in giving back to our community’s seniors,” said David Selberg, Hospice of Santa Barbara’s CEO.

Another donor brought four bags of avocados and by 12:30 p.m., all of the seniors received their lunches. This is one of the many great ways the community has come together to give back to seniors given the current pandemic.

HSB Volunteer, Judy Bartlein delivers the prepped lunches to Villa Santa Fe Seniors while practicing social distancing.