Health report: Some facts you should know about thyroid problems

By Rob Billiton / Wire report 

Your thyroid is a gland in your neck that can affect many aspects of your health. If you have problems with your thyroid, it can cause everything from depression to weight gain, plus it can negatively affect your energy levels.

Thyroid problems often go undiagnosed and can lead to many health problems so if you think you might be suffering from a thyroid condition, it is important to receive medical attention. If you think you may have a thyroid condition, here are some facts you should know about thyroid problems.

1. Infertility
If you are a woman with a thyroid problem and you have been having fertility problems, your thyroid issue may be to blame. Studies have shown that thyroid problems can often contribute to fertility issues.2. Depression

Every year, millions of people around the world are diagnosed with depression. While many doctors simply hand out prescriptions for the variety of antidepressants available today, these doctors should be checking thyroid function before doing so. An under active thyroid is one of the leading causes of clinical depression.3. High Cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol and medication is not helping your problem, a thyroid problem may be to blame. Thyroid problems can cause problems with cholesterol so if your cholesterol problem is not being helped by cholesterol medication, you might want to make sure your thyroid isn’t the problem.4. No Sex Drive

If you are suffering from a low libido, a thyroid condition may be to blame. Thyroid problems can cause a diminish in sex drive.5. Weight Problems

If you maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise yet you still cannot see to shed those unwanted pounds, you might want to ask your doctor if your thyroid is to blame. An under active thyroid can cause a person to gain weight, plus it can hinder a person’s ability to lose those unwanted pounds.6. Feeling Tired?

Are you constantly tired and sluggish? Could you sleep for 10 hours a night, yet still not feel energized enough to take on the new day? If so, a thyroid problem may be to blame. Thyroid problems can cause a person to feel overtired and sluggish, no matter how much sleep he or she gets each night.7. Fluoride and Soy

If you are suffering from a thyroid condition, a soy and fluoride could be making your condition worse. If you have a problem with your thyroid, it is best to avoid anything that contains fluoride or soy.8. Women and Thyroid Health

Although a thyroid problem can affect both men and women, women have a higher rate of developing thyroid problems. In many studies, it has been proven that thyroid problems affect twice as many women as men.If you suffer from one of the above listed conditions, you may want to ask your doctor to check your thyroid. Thyroid problems affect thousands of people, but with the proper diagnosis and treatment, it is a problem that can be managed.

— Rob Billiton writes about health, finance & more at