Health report: Six steps to staying mentally sharp and preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

By Kyle Scott / Wire report

Alzheimer’s Disease is a horrible illness that effects millions of people each year. Essentially, Alzheimer’s Disease slowly ruins your memory and takes away the function of your brain until you are left unable to recognize even your closest family members. Alzheimer’s Disease is a illness for which there is no cure, but there are some ways you can reduce your risk of developing it. In recent years, studies have shown that staying mentally sharp may help ward off Alzheimer’s Disease and here are some ways you can keep your mind strong so to fight off this life-altering disease.

1. Crossword Puzzles
Crossword puzzles may already be something you already enjoy doing, but did you know that they can also help ward off Alzheimer’s Disease? When you do a crossword puzzle, you are using your brain and keeping it active, which can help to minimize your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease. It doesn’t even have to be a crossword puzzle because any type of game that requires mind power will greatly reduce your risk of developing this horrible illness.2. Read A Book
Reading is an enjoyable pastime activity for many people and it is also another way to keep your mind sharp so to ward off Alzheimer’s Disease. When you read, you are using the valuable brainpower needed to help keep your mind strong and focuses which in turn will help fight off Alzheimer’s Disease.3. Write
Writing is also a great way to sharpen the mind and keep it functioning in a way that is conductive to fighting off Alzheimer’s Disease. Why not try keeping a journal? Not only is a journal a good way to reduce stress and keep an activity log of all the important events in your life, but it is also a great way to fight Alzheimer’s Disease.4. Take A Class
It doesn’t have to be a boring subject like math, but taking a class can help keep your mind alert and strong, plus you might learn about something of interest to you. Be it yoga, jewelry making, art, or a simple cooking class, taking a class is the perfect way to keep your mind strong and free from the threat of Alzheimer’s Disease.5. Exercise
Not only is exercising good for your body, but it is also good for your mind. Even a simple daily walk can give your brain the power it needs to help fight off Alzheimer’s Disease.6. Nutrition
What we eat not only affects our physical health, but it affects our mental health, too. If you want to keep your brain sharp and strong, try eating a diet that is rich in important vitamins and nutrients.These are six ways you can keep your brain sharp so to help ward off Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease is an illness for which there is no cure, but preventive measures can help greatly in the fight against this disease. If you want to be proactive in your health so to avoid developing Alzheimer’s Disease, including the above listed tips into your lifestyle will be certain to help you maintain mental function throughout your entire life.
— Kyle Scott writes about health, finance & more at Guest Post U — The University of Great Content.