Guest commentary: The State of Latino Children’s Mental Health

Editor’s Note: Recently we received a request by reader Isabel González to include a series of columns on Latino health. Isabel, age 13, who plans to be a doctor, even provided us with a link to a half-dozen Latino health websites. Thank you Isabel for your submissions. We are honored to be able to provide this health information for our readers…

Courtesy UnidosUS — Guest post by Amelie G. Ramirez, Director, Institute for Health Promotion Research, UT Health San Antonio

Did you know that U.S. Latino kids are far more likely than their peers to suffer depression and other mental health issues that often go untreated?

A new research review, Salud America! Mental Health & Latino Kids by our Salud America!national network for healthy change at UT Health San Antonio, examines the latest science on the state of mental health among Latino kids, and shares policy recommendations.

The review shows that violence, discrimination, migration, poverty, bullying, and family issues impact Latino children’s mental health and access to mental health care in different ways.

Click here for the entire article

Editor’s note: Amigos805 welcomes guest columns, letters to the editor and other submissions from our readers. All opinions expressed in submitted material are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of Amigos805. Amigos805 welcome comments on stories appearing in Amigos805 and on issues impacting the community. Comments must relate directly to stories published in Amigos805, no spam please. We reserve the right to remove or edit comments. Full name, city required. Contact information (telephone, email) will not be published. Please send your comments directly to