Guest Commentary — Carmen Ramirez: An American Icon

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Armando Vazquez.

By Armando Vazquez / Guest contributor

The death of Carmen Ramirez: The tragic death this week of our dear friend, Carmen Ramirez has left many in the city of Oxnard, the county of Ventura, the state of California, the nation, and throughout world in pain, sorrow and shock.  That’s how much this Chicano guerillera meant to all of us that knew her, worked with her, loved and admired her. Dr. Debbie DeVries, one of Carmen’s closest friends, speaking through the shock, the acute pain, and mental fog of the moment remarked to me that, “Carmen was the most caring, selfless, mindful, loving and kind person I have ever had the honor of knowing and working with. Carmen never made decisions based on political or personal self-interest aggrandizement.”

Photo courtesy Teatro de las Américas.

You can also include that Carmen was one of the busiest and most successful community activist/politician/servants that this nation has ever had. Carmen was everywhere and was always working on multiple, complex and difficult projects, issues and concerns, all of the; at times it seemed all at once. There was never a break in her service and commitment to her beloved community and her constituents, never! She would have it no other way, that’s how incredibly committed Carmen was to working as hard as she could, for as long as she could, to improve and empower her community. Carmen was passionately tireless, she had a couple of gears that most of us simply do not have, when it came to doing the people’s work. Carmen, also, did immaculate and through research, community preparation and homework better than any politicians I have ever known. Once a strategy was developed by consensus, Carmen would then rolled up her sleeves and with the help of her considerable army of supporters, friends and family, get busy and got things done!

On the shoulders of giants: We have lost a mighty giant, a people’s champion. There will never be another Carmen Ramirez, this kind of soul, spirit and love for her people comes only once in a lifetime. We send our sincerest condolences to Roy, her extended family, and to all of the millions of people that new and loved Carmen. We in the Latino community understand, uniquely, what an incredibly immense political black hole has been created with Carmen’s recent and untimely death.   

In 246 years this country has shamefully elected only a handful of Latina politicas. Carmen Ramirez, along with Gloria Molina, from Los Angeles, are arguably the two most powerful, influential and successful Chicana elected officials this state and nation have ever produce. Gloria is now in retirement. Carmen is gone in body, but with us in spirit and in her tremendous body of historic work and in the mighty community service template she has left behind for us to follow and emulate. 

Carmen seem indomitable, many of thought that she would be around forever, fighting the good fight. And then from one moment to the next, Carmen was tragically snatched into eternity. Carmen knew that our time on earth is fleeting, finite and often pernicious and cruel. Carmen knew well that we are not, none of us, guaranteed life the “next” day, it can be snuffed from one second to another. This is where Carmen was a living testament, a spiritual guide, and the embodiment of living life each and every single day and moment like it might be your last. Carmen was a whirlwind of an action, activity and advocacy, she made every moment count, because she loved her work, her friends and her life. We all can learn a lot from Carmen’s tragic and untimely death. Carmen would counsel all of us to live, love and serve.

The Carmen F. Ramirez Art Museum and Cultural Center of Oxnard: Debbie and I met Carmen roughly 25 years ago as we trying to get a community art and cultural center up and running in the city of Oxnard. Along with Arturo Casillas, Carmen help us get our first tiny little office in the Family Investment Center in La Colonia. It was here at La Colonia that Debbie and Carmen became friends. A professional and personal friendship that grow for the next three decades. When we opened up the Cafe on A in Oxnard Carmen was with us every step of the way. Carmen loved art and culture from all over the world and she supported every activity and community action that we had in at our center over the follow three decades. In honor of Carmen passing and in paying tribute to her dedication to here community and the countless contributions Carmen made to the people of Oxnard, the County of Ventura, the State of California and the nation we recommend that the Carmen R. Ramirez Art Museum and Cultural Center in Oxnard be consider as possible community action and memorial that can be respectfully undertaken to enshrine Carmen legacy of love, hard work and commitment that gave to all. Rest in Peace Carmen.  We love y adelante!

— Armando Vazquez, M.Ed., founding member of CORE and the Acuna Art Gallery and Community Collective.

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