Girls Inc. Carpinteria’s Eureka! Program Returns to Washington D.C.

Courtesy photos.

Local teens visit nation’s capital to meet with elected officials, tour universities and explore historical monuments

CARPINTERIA — A group of 12 local girls from Girls Inc. of Carpinteria’s Eureka! Program recently returned from an inspiring five-day trip to Washington D.C.

The visit focused on three overarching themes: college and career; museums and monuments; and Capitol Hill. One of the highlights including meeting with Congressman Salud Carbajal to advocate for issues that are important to them, including climate change and LGBTQ+ rights.

The teenage girls – who just entered their senior year in high school – had the opportunity to tour the Girlhood Exhibit at the Museum of American History, the Holocaust Museum, Museum of African American History, Museum of Natural History and the United States Botanical Gardens. Additionally, they took part in visits to Georgetown and George Washington University, where the young women networked with students and faculty.

During the five days, the students also toured Capitol Hill, enjoyed a private tour of the Library of Congress and explored the historical monuments on a moonlit trolley ride.

“This trip was so impactful for me because it taught me the importance of advocacy and having our voices heard on issues we need to change for the better,” said Eureka! member Viviana M.

Eureka! is an expanded learning five-year program that emphasizes college readiness and builds girls’ confidence and skills through hands-on opportunities, with a focus on introducing girls to careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. The program is designed to help girls overcome barriers to their achievement by providing a continual support system along with opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they need to thrive.

Girls Inc. launched the Eureka! program in 2012 to provide leadership and education enhancement opportunities for girls beginning in the summer before their eighth-grade year and providing mentorship and college and career preparation throughout the high school years.

For more information about Girls Inc. of Carpinteria or the Eureka! Program, please call (805) 684-6364 or visit

 — Girls Inc. of Carpinteria is a member of Girls Incorporated®, a nonprofit organization that inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Our programming focuses on the development of the whole girl: we deliver life-changing programs and experiences designed to equip girls to overcome serious barriers and grow up healthy, educated, and independent. A combination of long-lasting mentoring relationships, a pro-girl environment and research-based programming prepares girls to lead fulfilling and productive lives and become role models in their community. Girls Inc. of Carpinteria currently serves youth in the Carpinteria Valley, from K through 12th grade. To learn more, becom