Friendship Center — Giving Tuesday

Good evening,

Please take a brief moment to read this message from a former Friendship Center caregiver, and our forever friend….

“My husband and I had dreamt of a blissful retirement, but life threw an unexpected curveball at us –- Lewy Body Dementia.

After a few frightening instances of him doing something dangerous or destructive at home, it got to a point where I felt afraid of waking up to a new challenge that came with this disease.

Our once idyllic vision retirement was slipping away, and it was heartbreaking on every level.

This difficult time took a toll on our family not just emotionally but also financially. We were mindful spenders throughout our lives, planning for what we thought could be a comfortable retirement. We did not, however, specifically plan for one of us to have an expensive disease that came with costs beyond anything either of us, or most people for that matter, were aware of.

From our first conversation with the staff at Friendship Center, I never once worried about our limited finances hindering my ability to finally receive respite, and for my husband to be safely looked after.

The scholarship program allowed my husband to attend without adding strain to our wallet, actually saving us money as our need for additional support decreased.

It was an adjustment for both us when he started attending Friendship Center, but soon enough it felt like color was coming back into our lives. I had time to take care of my responsibilities and rediscover my hobbies.

In the afternoons after he’d get home from Friendship Center, there was always a spark in his eyes and he has this big, authentic smile – it felt like I had my beautiful husband back again.

I miss that smile more than words can express but I consider myself the luckiest person to have gotten to experience it for so many years, even in the throes of a devastating disease.

So, when people ask how they can help caregivers like me, I say this: support Friendship Center. Your support will help other caregivers witness the color return to their lives and the smiles return to their loved one’s face. That is worth everything, and then some.”

This charitable week of giving, we want you to know that your support of Friendship Center is more than a donation; it’s an investment in restoring dignity, joy, and light to families navigating the shadows of dementia.

Donations of any and all sizes will go towards our scholarship program, enabling Friendship Center to honor the commitment of never turning someone away because of an inability to pay.

Thank you for your consideration and kindness.

With love,

Kathryn Westland, MPH

Friendship Center- Executive Director


89 Eucalyptus Ln., Santa Barbara CA 93108

Consider making your Giving Tuesday gift a Sponsorship for Friendship Center’s

25th Annual Festival of Hearts.

Click here for more info.

Save the Date for this nautical event to celebrate caregivers, past and present, on February 3rd, 2024

at the Rosewood Miramar Beach.

Friendship Center Adult Day Services
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