Friendship Center — December Newsletter – Holiday Hacks for Happiness

Wishing you and yours
a happy holiday season!
Thank you for making Friendship Center
part of your holiday giving!
Photos & Quotes from our
Thanksgiving Lunch Delivery
& Veteran’s Day Celebration!
“We are very thankful for the caring wonderful people that work at Friendship Center who have brought many great moments to my life. Your Staff are always willing to go beyond what is expected and that is what Makes Friendship Center!”
“We want to thank all the staff and everyone that worked so hard to put together and deliver such a wonderful lunch. There was enough food to serve not only Jon and myself but also for my frail 86 year old mom and my step-dad Jay, who is on hospice at home. Jay loved the lunch and was able to eat all of his. For Jay, the pecan pie brought back happy memories of his mom who had a pecan tree in the front yard and made delicious pecan pies. It was a story we never heard before and it made him happy to share it with us.
Jon loved the lunch and had fun opening up and checking out the goody box from the Elks. We are both Elks so it was fun to see what all they put in the box and we will put everything to good use.
The lunch was fantastic, there was a variety of delicious foods and desserts, it showed that someone thought out the menu carefully and many people worked very hard to make it extra special. Thank you for making our day special with the lunch. We wish you and the staff a very special and Happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful for you and the team at Friendship Center. Bless all of you!”
“Mission Villa wants to thank Friendship Center, on behalf of our residents and especially our veterans, for their wonderful Zoom Veteran celebration! It was an opportunity to get to know each other’s story a little bit better, socialize with other veterans and their families, especially during this pandemic which keeps many of us more isolated than we would like to be. The celebration and stories brought a smile across each of their faces – to be remembered and to be honored! Thank you Kim and Heidi and the rest of our friends at Friendship Center!”
The Holidays & Dementia during Covid 19
The holidays are often filled with sharing, laughter and memories. But they can also bring stress, disappointment, sadness — and due to the COVID-19 pandemic — heightened risk for spreading the virus, especially for older adults who tend to have underlying health conditions. A person living with Dementia may feel a special sense of loss during the holidays because of the changes he or she has experienced. At the same time, caregivers may feel overwhelmed by maintaining traditions while providing care and adhering to safety precautions. Please find the full article here: * READ MORE *
Here are a few tips you may find helpful from this article:
  • Focus on the things that bring happiness
  • Build on traditions and memories
  • Consider celebrating earlier in the day
  • Record a “video holiday card” together to send to family using your phone
  • Family can help with communication by being patient, not interrupting or correcting, and giving the person with dementia time to finish his or her thoughts.
  • Plan an outdoor visit with hot chocolate and blankets.
  • Go outside for a walk in the neighborhood to enjoy holiday lights and decorations.
  • Use video call software like Zoom or Skype to gather with family virtually
  • Use video to capture and digitally send special moments, such as children opening gifts.
Here at Friendship Center, we foster and encourage strong partnerships with our family caregivers to assist our members in getting connected online, so that they can continue participating with their friends in virtual social settings – we call this our virtual community. We are ready to help make this possible, so please contact us and let’s embrace something new together!
Call Kathryn M-Th (9am-4pm) at:
(805) 705-4106