Friendship Center Adult Day Services — A Message From Heidi Holly–Fall Appeal 2019

Dear Friends,
At Friendship Center, we take great pride in knowing our members well, and finding their unique connection points of joy. At a recent event in October, we invited some of our Board members to the Montecito center to build balsa wood gliders with our members. Each pilot beamed ear to ear as they launched their craft into the air with the others, and watched with anticipation the unpredictable and comical landings in various locations around the courtyard. These simple joys speak to the child within all of us, which is alive and well. They also bring us right back to our mission–providing engaging activities that promote socialization, well-being, and a sense of community for aging adults.
Please help us to continue this good work and heartfelt service for our members at Friendship Center with a gift that reflects your commitment to our cause. Will you join us in keeping this opportunity available for our aging adults in need?
This fall, we give thanks to you, our loyal supporters, for charting the course with us to serve the local aging community, in ways that bring quality of life, well-being, and joy!
With gratitude,
Heidi Holly
Executive Director
P.S.—Many warm blessings to you and yours during this season of Thanksgiving!