Friendship Adult Day Care Center in Santa Barbara — A Message From Heidi Holly — Spring Appeal 2023


May, the month of Mother Love!
“We are born of love; Love is our mother.” – Rumi
Dear Friends,
Our beautiful city of Santa Barbara has recently been quenched with abundant rains, and spring pokes through the mantle of soil with colorful new life. With Mother’s Day on the horizon, it is a perfect time to reflect on the nurturers in our lives, whether they be past or present. In the spirit of connectedness, we can express our gratitude for the motherly figures who provided love, care, food, support and guidance. Won’t you please consider a gift to Friendship Center in honor of your mother, which benefits the elderly mothers we care for here every day?
We have all voyaged through some challenging times in the past few years since the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Through this experience we have had significant losses, and a whole lot of unforeseen changes to our daily lives. Even today it is clear that things will not go back to the way they were before the pandemic hit – instead, we are living with and adapting to the changes to our bodies, our minds, our emotions, our jobs, our economy, the supply chain, and even daily life. So many things are now available ‘remotely’ with minimal human contact, like doctor’s appointments, business meetings, food delivery, even social gatherings. While these options have their pros and cons, there is no mistaking the irreplaceable importance of the human touch in all of our lives. In fact, touch reminds us that we are human, interconnected, and that we DO need one another to thrive.
Being on the frontlines with our aging population, Friendship Center is keenly aware of how the pandemic has taken a significant toll on our members’ physical and cognitive health. Increased numbers of members being impacted in this way requires more assistance, and more staff – and takes a greater financial toll on our organization. Please consider making a gift to Friendship Center to continue this much needed care, in honor or in memory of a person who has ‘touched’ your life.
With gratitude,
Heidi Holly
Heidi Holly
Executive Director
Cynder Sinclair
Cynder Sinclair
Board President
P.S. Your generous gift allows us to offer our services to all, regardless of
        income level.