FOOD Share to hold Fruit Share program on Sept. 24

FOOD Share volunteers collect fruits to feed the growing number of hungry people each month through the Fruit Share program. Photo courtesy of FOOD Share.

(VENTURA COUNTY) – When Bonnie Weigel, FOOD Share CEO, visits Ventura County neighborhoods and sees ripe lemons, avocados or peaches that have fallen to the ground and are rotting, she cringes. Weigel knows that rather than go to waste, each piece of fruit has the ability to feed a hungry person in our community, the organization reported in a media release.

On Saturday, Sept. 24, FOOD Share will publically embrace the old adage “waste not, want not” as they launch their new “Fruit Share” backyard harvest program and community fruit drive. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Ventura County residents are encouraged to donate their excess homegrown produce to FOOD Share at the following locations: Target stores in Ventura, Oxnard,Camarillo, Thousand Oaks, Moorpark and Simi Valley as well as Vons in Ojai and Chevrolet dealerships in Santa Paula and Fillmore.

“Fruit Share is an easy way for anyone who has fruit trees or grows veggies in their backyard garden to help feed others,” Weigel said. “September is Hunger Action Month and the perfect time for residents to embrace the same generous spirit exhibited by our local commercial growers, sharing their harvests with the hungry.”

Locally grown fruits and vegetables are an important component of the nearly 9 million pounds of food that FOOD Share distributes each year. In 2010, FOOD Share dispersed over 8 million pounds of produce, with more than 1/3 of that coming directly from Ventura County commercial agricultural operations.

“FOOD Share relies on the assistance of growers both large and small, to be able to feed the ever-growing population of hungry children, seniors and families here in Ventura County,” said Weigel. “We are blessed to live in such a bountiful county and feel fortunate that our growers help us make the connection from farm to table for our hungry friends.”

The Ventura County Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers, a group of active agriculturalists ages 18 to 35, will jump start the Fruit Share program on Sept. 17 when they glean the fields of dozens of large agricultural donors with the goal of collecting 2 to 4 tons of produce for FOOD Share in one day.

Residents with more fruit than they can pick themselves can arrange for harvest assistance from FOOD Share’s volunteer gleaners. To make an appointment, contact Meg Horton at FOOD Share: 805.983.7100, ext. 105 or

A complete list of Fruit Share drop-off addresses can be found at