First District Supervisor Das Williams — Vote by 8pm tonight in the California Primary Election!

California Primary Election 2022!

Happy Election Day! Please be sure to vote or turn in your vote-by-mail ballot today by 8pm!

There are many important races in today’s California Primary Election that need your vote to ensure a good candidate moves on to November but also critical local County races that will be decided TODAY!

We have statewide offices at the top of the ballot, including Governor Gavin Newsom, who successfully defeated a recall attempt last year but needs your vote again today to stay in office. Additionally, my former colleague and friend, appointed Attorney General Rob Bonta is facing tough opponents from the right-wing and critically needs your support to stay in office. Lastly, you will need to vote for Senator Alex Padilla twice – once to move on to November for the new Senate term starting next year and a second time to keep him in the seat through the end of this year. That second vote is a nuanced one and critical to ensure we don’t have a Republican take over that seat for the rest of the year, altering the makeup of the Senate.

County Seats Decided Today!

In addition to Statewide elected offices, critical County seats will be decided today! These are often nuanced positions that perform absolutely critical functions at our local level and can be over looked. In Santa Barbara County, be sure to cast your vote for these seats!

County Superintendent of Schools: Susan Salcido

County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor: Joe Holland

Santa Barbara County Sheriff: Juan Camarena

Two seats on the Board of Supervisors will also be decided today: Laura Capps for the Second District and Steve Lavagnino for the Fifth District.

Vote for Congress and State Assembly

Also be sure to vote for our Congressmember Salud Carbajal for re-election. He has been a strong advocate for us in D.C. and understands our local issues exceptionally well!

Additionally, redistricting has created a new Assembly seat, which encompasses all of Santa Barbara County and a portion of southern San Luis Obispo County. My colleague Gregg Hart is running for the seat and he will make an excellent Assemblymember. He has the unique experience of having served at both the city and county level as well as previously serving as Associate Director for the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, which works countywide. Let’s support Gregg!

How to Vote!

At this point in the election, there are really two ways for you to turn in your ballot.

1) Take it to a ballot drop box location by 8pm tonight

Countywide locations for ballot drop boxes can be found here

2) Drop it off in person at a polling location or if you no longer have your ballot, you may request one at your assigned polling location. You can find your polling location here.