Feb. 21 — Bilingual Presentation “Laundry in 18th and 19th century Mexico” by Marie Francois, Ph.D., Professor of History

Santa Paula — Bilingual Presentation — “Laundry in 18th and 19th century Mexico” by Marie Francois, Ph.D., Professor of History, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21, Blanchard Community Library, 119 North 8th Street, Santa Paula.

Abstract: Las lavanderas de la ciudad de México en la epoca colonial y después de la independencia funcionaban como contratistas independientes y desempeñaban para múltiples clientes un trabajo especializado e intensivo que producía camisas blancas y sábanas limpias, así como una imagen personal cuidada y respetable.  Su labor también generaba un ingreso para mantenerse y sostener su hogar.

Laundresses in Mexico City in the late colonial period and after Independence worked as independent contractors, performing skilled labor-intensive work for multiple clients that produced white shirts and clean sheets, as well as polished images and respectability.  Their labor also produced an income toward sustaining themselves and their households.

CSU Channel Islands (CI) hosts more than a dozen free public lectures from February through May at libraries throughout Ventura County, as well as the Channel Islands Boating Center. Click here for other Library Lecture Series Events.