Feb. 8 — Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program deadlines

Round 2 Closes: February 8, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Approval Notifications: February 11, 2021 – February 18, 2021
Round 1 Selected:
Round 1 for the CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program closed on January 13, 2021 and all applicants selected for funding were notified from January 15, 2021 to January 22, 2021. Funds started being disbursed on January 22, 2021 and will be disbursed over a 45-day period.
Round 1 Waitlisted:
Eligible applicants that are not selected in Round 1 will be waitlisted and automatically considered for Round 2. Applicants that completed their application during Round 1 and are waitlisted will be notified via email today, January 25, 2021 and will NOT need to complete an application during Round 2. Applicants that are waitlisted but did not finish their application during Round 1 will be required to do so during Round 2 to be considered for grant approval.
Round 1 Not Selected:
Applicants that do not meet the program’s minimum eligibility requirements will not be selected for the grant and will not be reconsidered for Round 2.
  • Round 2 will open February 2, 2021 and will close February 8, 2021. Round 2 will NOT be a first-come, first-serve application process or rolling approval process- all eligible applicants will be considered for the grant at the close of Round 2 on February 8, 2021 and not before.
  • Join the EDC’s next COVID-19 Business Resources- EIDL, PPP, UI and Grants free webinar on Wednesday, January 27th at 12:00 pm. This webinar series is held on alternating Wednesdays and Fridays to provide up-to-date information on all currently available COVID-19 business resources. This is an excellent opportunity to hear about new changes and to have your questions answered. Register early! Space is limited. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
  • For detailed information on the application process with step-by-step instructions please review the CA Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Application guides at CaReliefGrant.com. Scroll down on the homepage to view the “All Businesses Application Guide” or the “Non-Profit Application Guide.”
  • EDC SBDC Financial Advisors are available to answer questions and help you prepare for Round 2. Get started today with our no-cost consulting by calling 805.409.9159 (ENGLISH) or 805.309.5874 (SPANISH). Visit our resource page for list of current COVID-19 related assistance available. CLICK HERE