Election 2012: Endorsements, fundraisers in the news

Amigos805.com staff report

The election season continues to heat up with a number of candidates reporting endorsements and upcoming fundraisers in the 805 region.

Several candidates announced this week that they had received endorsements from the California Democratic Party last weekend at the state Democratic Convention in San Diego.

“I am proud of this endorsement because it was only made possible by the unanimous support I received from local activists in the district who voted as delegates to recommend my endorsement to the state Democratic Party,” State Assemblymember Das Williams (District-35) stated in a media release.

Hannah-Beth Jackson, who is running for the newly drawn 19th State Senate District that includes Santa Barbara and parts of Ventura County, also picked up an endorsement from the California Democratic Party.

“As you know, I previously earned the recommendation of the local Democratic Party delegates from Ventura and Santa Barbara counties with 79 percent of the vote,” she stated in a media release. “Even though I defeated my opponent overwhelmingly in this process, I’m not taking anything for granted because some very powerful special interests are lining up against me — including pesticide companies like Monsanto, insurance companies and pharmaceutical giants. They oppose me because they know that I stand up for consumers and my constituents. And they are contributing against me early, during the primary campaign, hoping that they can do damage early.”

Jackson will hold a fundraiser from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16 at the Just Folk Art Gallery, 2346 Lillie Ave., Summerland. Space is limited. Call 805.203.6337 to RSVP.

“The GOOD CLUB Brunch & Fundraiser for Das” will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 3 at The Kitchen, 529 So. A St., Oxnard. Call 805.385.3525 to RSVP.