El Centrito co-founder receives prestigious grant from The California Wellness Foundation

OXNARD — Since the economic recession struck, nonprofit agencies throughout the country have struggled to stay afloat and sustain services at sufficient levels to meet the increasing demand. El Centrito Family Learning Centers, an Oxnard nonprofit that provides bilingual education services for low income children and families, has endured the impact of the recession and continues to thrive thanks to strong leadership and innovation from Executive Director and Co-Founder, Luann Rocha, who was awarded a $35,000 Sabbatical grant by The California Wellness Foundation for her years of work dedicated to strengthening the Oxnard community, the organization reported Thursday in a media release.

Rocha is one of eight nonprofit executives from throughout California to be recognized by The California Wellness Foundation’s (TCWF) prestigious Sabbatical Program Award.  The grant will cover Rocha’s wages and additional capacity building expenses during the four- month sabbatical.

“We are pleased to recognize these exemplary leaders who give so much of themselves to others and place the needs of their communities before their own,”  TCWF President and CEO Diana Bontá stated in the release.

All eight of the Sabbatical award recipients have dedicated their careers to supporting the health and wellbeing of underserved populations in California.

Rocha’s tenure at El Centrito Family Learning Centers and within the nonprofit sector exemplifies Bontá’s remarks. Rocha has worked in the nonprofit sector for over 30 years, and she co-founded El Centrito in 1992 with her husband Jesus Rocha.  She has devoted herself to fulfilling El Centrito’s mission for the last 20 years and remains committed to building healthy communities that promote education and wellbeing of Ventura County’s low income families.  Even in the face of the stark economic climate, Rocha is committed to delivering quality educational programs and developing cost-effective, innovative approaches that respond to community’s needs and maximize community strengths.

To access additional information about the TCWF Leadership Program and honorees, please visit: www.calwellness.org, and go to the leadership recognition/sabbatical program portal. For more information on El Centrito Family Learning Centers, please visit: www.elcentrito.org