Economic Development Collaborative (EDC) — Commercial Eviction Moratoriums Expired June 30

UPDATED INFORMATION: On June 11, 2021 Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-08-21 (extending Executive Order N-28-20) allowing local government to extend commercial eviction protections through September 30, 2021. This protection is NOT automatic. Check with your local city and county ordinances to see if an eviction moratorium applies, including extended periods of time to pay unpaid rent. The recommendations below are still important to consider as current moratoriums do NOT relieve the tenants from paying rent.
The EDC understands the significant impact COVID-19 has had on our business community. If your business has experienced economic injury due COVID-19, you do not have walk alone. The following recommendations are for landlords and tenants during this unprecedented time.
Important Notes
  • UPDATED: The additional protection of Executive Order N-08-21(extending Executive Order N-28-20) allowing local government to extend commercial eviction protection through September 30, 2021 is not automatic. Some cities in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties may currently have no eviction protections.
  • Legislation AB 832 signed by Governor Newsom on June 28, 2021 apparently does not extend protections to commercial renters.
  • Los Angeles County has extended their residential and commercialeviction protections through September 30, 2021.
EDC Recommendations for Landlords & Tenants
NOTE: Both tenants and landlords need to be in communication with one another regarding the tenant’s ability to pay rent.
  • If you have not done so already, locate your original lease and all amendments, attachments and related documents.
  • Conduct financial projections to predict your revenue and expenses each month for the rest of the year, and perhaps the next 1-2 years.
  • Conduct a realistic assessment of your business, and options to consider.
  • Communicate with your landlord regularly, and try to negotiate repayment of past due rent, if any.
  • Review landlord & tenant specific negotiation strategies HERE.
  • Seek the advice of a professional, such as a CPA and real estate lawyer.
  • We encourage businesses to consult and secure their own legal counsel. While that is an out of pocket expense, it is prudent and may help avoid higher costs down the line. Attorneys from Myers, Widders, Gibson, Jones & Feingold, LLP provided an excellent overview in the webinar “Creative Solutions for Landlords and Tenants During COVID-19” above. They can be contacted by calling 805.644.7188 or by emailing NOTE: The EDC does not endorse a particular law firm or practice.
  • No-Cost Legal Assistance- Free legal assistance is available in Ventura County, Santa Barbara County and Los Angeles Countythrough legal aid self-help. These offices can assist you in “Unlawful Detainer” and provide resources to assist with landlord/tenant negotiations.
  • Contact the EDC Small Business Development Center for help.
  • Seek advice from an EDC SBDC financial advisor to review your cash flow management, rent or mortgage deferral impacts and specific financial concerns. To schedule your no-cost advising appointment please call 805.409.9159. Resources and advising are available in English and Spanish
Additional Resources
  • California Rent Relief Program: Qualifying residential renters and landlords are now eligible for 100% of rent and utilities owed CICK HERE
  • Tenant and landlord protection guidelines, forms and resources: CA Department of Real Estate: Housing Is Key
Looking for NO-COST Business Consulting Services?
The EDC SBDC call team and experienced advisors are available to answer questions and help you navigate today’s complex business environment. The Economic Development Collaborative hosts the Small Business Development Center and is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Signing up as a client takes just a few minutes and provides you with lifetime access to all of our no-cost services.
Get started today with no-cost consulting by calling our
Business Assistance Line at 805.409.9159.
Resources and advising are available in English and Spanish.
Access our Loan Program by calling 805.409.9497.
Stay up-to-date on local, state and federal resources related to the pandemic by visiting our COVID-19 Business Resource page regularly CLICK HERE.
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While everything this email is intended to be accurate, it is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied on as such. To obtain legal advice please contact a licensed California attorney.