SANTA BARBARA — Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara, to present “contemporary art UNLOCKED” 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 (book here), 653 Paseo Nuevo, Santa Barbara.
$10 or Free for Members
How do you “read” art? Learn to look closely and brush up on your visual literacy skills in our new series of monthly one-hour art appreciation meetup. Join a museum professional for an informal conversation about the current exhibition N. Dash and leave equipped with a tool set to unlock the mysteries of contemporary art. Each unique conversation is guided by the interests of the group while providing insights into the specific work of the exhibited artist.
Bring a friend, an open mind, and curiosity to learn more about contemporary art; then continue the conversation over a complimentary glass of wine afterwards. MCASB Members receive free admission. RSVP online to reserve your spot. Space is limited to 12 participants. Please arrive on time, as spaces not filled by the start of the program will be opened to other interested parties.