Deadline is Dec. 12 for matching donation for farm worker housing

VENTURA COUNTY — Dark, small, crowded, dilapidated… substandard and unacceptable. These are words that are commonly used to describe the housing available to farm worker families in Ventura County, and yet farm workers sustain agriculture in our community and bring food to our tables.

An example of substandard housing right here in Ventura County. Courtesy photo.

Did you know that a farm worker’s average income is only $17,000 per year? Not nearly enough to afford? decent housing and meet the needs of a family.

This holiday you have a remarkable ?opportunity to help meet the urgent need for safe, decent and affordable housing for all of our county’s farm workers.

Make a donation today of $50, $100, $500, or any amount!  If you would like to write a check it should be made out to Ag Innovations Network, and designated for House Farm Workers!, PO Box 402, Santa Paula, CA 93061, or you may make your gift online.

If you make that donation before Dec. 12, it will be doubled, thanks to a generous matching donation of up to $10,000 provided by two Ventura County farming families, Brokaw and Leavens!

When farm workers enjoy safe and affordable housing, the entire community benefits.

  • New housing reduces overcrowding and improves the beauty and value of our neighborhoods by replacing substandard conditions with well constructed homes.
  • Children who live in safe, clean housing are healthier and do better in school.
  • Secure housing means a secure agricultural work force, contributing to the long-term vitality of the industry that maintains the scenic orchards and fields surrounding our communities.

Thank you for your generosity! With your help, we can improve the lives of the men and women whose hard work keeps Ventura County green, and your table abundantly supplied with the products of our fields, orchards and greenhouses.


House Farm Workers! Executive Committee: Ellen Brokaw, Gail Weller Brown, Victor Espinosa, Mark Trinidad, Susan Johnson, Linda Braunschweiger, Karen Flock, Bernardo Perez, Leslie Leavens-Crowe, Barbara Macri-Ortiz.

Jennifer in her own bedroom. Courtesy photo.

Housing created with the support of House Farm Workers. Courtesy photo.