Das Williams: Legislation secures federal funding for energy efficiency retrofits to state buildings

Assemblymember Das Williams

SACRAMENTO — A bill that Assemblymember Das Williams (D-Santa Barbara) has authored jointly with the chairman of the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce to authorize the transfer of additional money to help finance energy efficiency retrofits in state buildings passed the legislature just prior to the end of the legislative session late Friday night/early Saturday morning, the office of Das Williams reported Monday in a media release.

Assemblymember Williams authored AB 1392, with Assemblymember Steven Bradford (D-Inglewood). Once law, the bill will authorize the California Energy Commission (CEC) to transfer an additional $50 million to the Department of General Services for the Energy Efficient State Property Revolving Loan Program to help finance energy efficiency retrofits in state buildings.

“This bill came about after an audit showed that the Loan Program (Energy Efficient State Revolving Loan Program) was outperforming expectations,” said Assemblymember Williams. “This bill helps move the funding from less successful programs, allowing California to keep setting the example through energy efficient upgrades and keep workers on the job”.

Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the California Energy Commission (CEC) received $226 million in State Energy Program Funds for increasing energy efficiency. All ARRA State Energy Program funds must be spent by April 30, 2012 in accordance with the rules laid out by the Federal Department of Energy. If the money isn’t expended by that date, the State stands to lose those federal funds.

The additional $50 million will be disbursed in fiscal years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.