Das Williams bill to increase public safety clears senate floor

Assemblymember Das Williams

A bill authored by Assemblymember Das Williams (D-Santa Barbara) that provides policy guidelines regarding background screening requirements for Emergency Medical Responders, passed the Senate floor on Sept. 6, according to a media release.

Assembly Bill 1245 simply states that if the Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) proposes to adopt or adapt a regulation for state approval of an Emergency Medical Responder (EMS) course, the completion of the course must also include criminal background checks for those who will be acting in the capacity of an EMR.

“These folks are often asked to do many of the same things in the line work that their certified and licensed colleagues are, such as enter an individual’s home to render lifesaving care and collect vital medical information, the public deserves the protection of the same background checks,” Williams said.

The State Health and Safety code already requires criminal background checks for all certified or licensed EMS personnel. The bill will ensure that the existing standards are in place for all persons delivering care in the EMS system.

Call James Joyce III at 805.483.9808 or visit http://assembly.ca.gov/Williams for more information.