Coverly Professional Services, Inc. announces two new hires to support its growing client portfolio 

Ikia Velazquez. Courtesy photos.

VENTURA — Despite a challenging year, Coverly Professional Services, Inc. (CoverlyPro) celebrated its 10thyear in business in 2020 by expanding its team to support a growing client portfolio. The company welcomed two new team members. Aylin Alvarez joined the company in August as its Marketing Communications Coordinator and Ikia Velazquez was added to the team as its Digital Communications and Project Management Specialist in October. 

The pro-active marketing project management firm selected the recent hires for their diverse experience and backgrounds. Aylin Alvarez joins CoverlyPro as a vibrant forward-thinking marketer currently completing her degree in Business Entrepreneurship. Holding an AA in Communications, Media, and Languages, Alvarez, a fluent Spanish speaker, is perfectly positioned to bring a fresh perspective to client projects as she leverages her research experience, event coordination, team development, and social media savvy. Ikia Velazquez is an experienced bilingual project manager with a B.A. in Business Administration. A social media and digital communications specialist and event planner, Velazquez has managed event logistics for The Walt Disney Company including coordinating guest appearances, catering and more. She is accustomed to creating themed campaigns, activities and events around key brands to fit the specific needs of clients.

Aylin Alvarez

“This has been a difficult year for so many small businesses,” said Lynnette Coverly, Founder and CEO of Coverly Professional Services, Inc. “While, I’m of appreciative of our company’s growth and excited with Aylin and Ikia joining our team, my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones and for businesses that have had to close their doors.” Coverly noted that even during this Pandemic she noticed some opportunities for her company. CoverlyPro now offers turnkey virtual event production. “Leading with marketing we have the ability to produce events that leverage our years of marketing experience to effectively promote the event while developing creative engagement activities for attendees and visibility for sponsors.” Virtual event production is now part of CoverlyPro’s full-service offerings that guide small and mid-sized businesses to formulate and implement effective marketing and communications strategies. CoverlyPro is looking forward to the growth momentum they have seen this past year and are excited to welcome new opportunities in 2021.

Learn more about Coverly Professional Services, Inc. or by contacting