County of Ventura Supervisor Jeff Gorell Leads Biotech Delegation to India

Ventura County District 2 Newsletter August 2, 2024

Dear Neighbors,

As your Ventura County Supervisor, I am excited to lead a delegation of regional biotech executives to India today to explore growth opportunities and promote our county as a prime destination for expanding business.

This initiative is part of the broader efforts of “Gold Team Ventura County,” which I launched in November 2023. The Gold Team brings together elected officials, business leaders, labor unions, utility companies, and other stakeholders to engage CEOs and industries in moving or expanding jobs to Ventura County.

My District includes Thousand Oaks, home to about 20 life sciences firms, including Amgen, which is the largest private-sector employer in Ventura County. After being elected to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors in 2022, I sought ways to support our district’s biotech industry to expand economic opportunity throughout our region.

In conversations with life sciences companies I discovered an interest in expanding opportunities in India. Recognizing that this endeavor might fall outside the traditional scope of a county supervisor, I turned to my friend Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti. He agreed to host the biotech delegation, and we began planning this mission.

It’s important to note that no taxpayer dollars are going towards this trip. I aim to develop a collaborative relationship between biotech companies in India and those along the 101 corridor. I look forward to reporting back. This partnership has great potential for both technological advancement and job creation in our region, helping to ensure a prosperous future for Ventura County!

Kind regards,


Supervisor Jeff Gorell, District 2


By: Mike Harris, July 19, 2024,

Ventura County Supervisor Jeff Gorell is leading a delegation of regional biotech executives to India next month to explore growth opportunities and promote the county as a prime destination for life sciences innovation.


New Mobile Library Serving Local Students

Just in time for the new school year, the Ventura County Library has expanded with a new Mobile Library serving schools across the county! This new addition supported through donations and through a collaboration with the Ventura County Office of Education, will support early childhood literacy by providing a full range of library services, including books in multiple formats and languages, STEAM programs, homework support, and access to technology and online resources. This initiative especially targets underserved areas and schools without credentialed librarians.

Community Involvement Opportunities

Volunteers in Policing Need You!

The Thousand Oaks Police Department is accepting applications for their Volunteers in Policing program It’s a great opportunity to support local law enforcement and give back to the community. Routine functions may include traffic and parking enforcement, report writing, vacation house checks, and special events. or call (805) 371-8398.

Community Emergency Response Team Kicks Off Sept 18

The free 6 week course is designed to equip participants with essential survival skills, such as extinguishing small fires, treating injuries, and providing basic emergency aid. The training aims to prepare individuals to protect themselves and their families, as well as assist others in the community during emergencies. Email or call 805-449-2453 for more information.

Disability Pride Month

The Board of Supervisors issued a proclamation celebrating the month of July as Disability Pride Month in honor of the contributions, achievements, and resilience of individuals with disabilities in our community.

The observance also aims to promote acceptance, understanding and support. The County of Ventura’s Disability Access Manager Dani Anderson and representatives from the Independent Living Resource Center spoke about the importance of the observance and highlighted the many local organizations offering support to those with disabilities.

The County’s first annual Government and Disability Summit will take place September 24-27. It’s a statewide event hosted in Ventura that aims to shape the future of accessibility.

60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

The Board of Supervisors issued a proclamation celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act at the recent July Board of Supervisors Meeting. Representatives of the Ventura County Chapter NAACP and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) shared thoughts about the importance of this milestone. The Civil Rights Act outlawed discrimination, based on color, race, religion, sex or natural origin. The Act also influenced subsequent laws by mandating equal treatment and voter registration, public accommodations, public education, and employment.

County Job Fair

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