County of Ventura COVID-19 update for May 26

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Evening, Here’s your COVID-19 update in the County of Ventura. The data includes four days of information: Friday, May 22, Saturday, May 23, Sunday, May 24 and Monday, May 25.


105 new cases

1,017 total cases

747 recovered cases

27 hospitalized

13 in the ICU

238 cases under quarantine

32 deaths: age range 29-99 years; 18 males and 14 females

22,589 people tested






Summary #
New cases 105
Total cases 1,017
Recovered Cases 747
Ever* hospitalizations 154
Current hospitalizations 27
Ever ICU* 46
Current ICU 13
Active Cases Under Quarantine 238
Deaths 32
People Tested 22,589
*Current hospitalizations does not include those from LTC facilities that no longer require acute care but are being held at the facility to protect others.  Current ICU is underreported because we do not get notification when hospitalized patients are transferred to ICU. 
Age and Sex of Confirmed Cases: Female Male %
Age 0-17 28 22 4.9%
Age 18-24 56 42 9.6%
Age 25-44 174 157 32.5%
Age 45-64 177 194 36.5%
Age 65+ 85 82 16.4%
Unknown 0 0 0.0%
Total 520 497 100.0%
% by Sex 51.1% 48.9%  
Race/Ethnicity** % Cases % Deaths % of Population
Latino 55.8% 28.1% 44.5%
White 31.5% 59.4% 43.2%
Asian 4.7% 3.1% 7.4%
African American/Black 0.6% 3.1% 1.7%
Multiracial 0.4% 0.0% 2.5%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.3% 0.0% 0.3%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.7% 0.0% 0.2%
Other 5.9% 6.3% 0.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
**There are 322 cases not included in this analysis because of missing race/ethnicity data. 
Confirmed Cases: # %
Travel Related 18 1.8%
Person-to-person acquired 323 31.8%
Community acquired 418 41.1%
Under investigation 258 25.4%
Total 1,017 100.0%
City/Zip*** # % of Total Population**** Rate per 100,000 pop.
91320 – Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park 24 2.4% 46,191 52.0
91360 – Thousand Oaks 49 4.8% 42,104 116.4
91361 – Thousand Oaks/Lake Sherwood/Westlake 19 1.9% 20,487 92.7
91362 – Thousand Oaks/Westlake 31 3.0% 34,056 91.0
91377 – Oak Park 17 1.7% 14,226 119.5
93001 – Ventura 25 2.5% 33,139 75.4
93003 – Ventura 19 1.9% 51,304 37.0
93004 – Ventura 15 1.5% 30,473 49.2
93010 – Camarillo 41 4.0% 44,240 92.7
93012 – Camarillo/Santa Rosa Valley 22 2.2% 37,622 58.5
93015 – Fillmore 59 5.8% 18,832 313.3
93021 – Moorpark 60 5.9% 38,325 156.6
93022 – Oak View 3 0.3% 5,550 54.1
93023 – Ojai 6 0.6% 20,656 29.0
93030 – Oxnard 67 6.6% 62,016 108.0
93033 – Oxnard 98 9.6% 83,319 117.6
93035 – Oxnard 31 3.0% 28,321 109.5
93036 – Oxnard 59 5.8% 48,022 122.9
93040 – Piru 4 0.4% 1,831 218.5
93041 – Port Hueneme 19 1.9% 24,129 78.7
93060 – Santa Paula 97 9.5% 34,229 283.4
93063 – Simi Valley (Santa Susana) 86 8.5% 56,563 152.0
93065 – Simi Valley 163 16.0% 74,780 218.0
93066 – Somis 3 0.3% 3,481 86.2
Total 1,017 100.0% 853,896 119.1
***8 cases provided a PO Box address that has been assigned to another zip code within the city.
****Population estimates for 2020 from (Demographics Dashboard).