County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 13

Good Evening, Here’s your daily Covid-19 Update.

  • 3 new cases
  • 317 total cases
  • 133 recovered cases
  • 174 active cases
  • 64 ever hospitalized (21 in the hospital)
  • 22 ever in the ICU (9 in the ICU)
  • 10 deaths
  • 5,806 tested

View today’s video update at:



Today the Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Stan Mantooth provided an update about COVID-19 Response. School meal service is continuing while schools remain closed. Pick up locations can be found at All Ventura County K-12 public school campuses remain closed through the end of the current school year. Colleges and Universities will continue remote instruction through the summer. Links for more information at Ventura County Behavioral Health officers COVID-19 parenting tips at the following link: Other wellness tips for all ages at


Tune in to the live stream of the Board of Supervisors Meeting on April 14 at 8:30 am to learn about the County of Ventura’s COVID-19 Response. You can view on facebook @ countyofventura, twitter @ countyventura, and at


Summary #
New cases 3
Total cases 317
Recovered Cases 133
Ever hospitalized 64
Ever ICU 22
Active Cases Under Quarantine 174
Deaths 10
People Tested 5,806
Age and Sex of Confirmed Cases: Female Male %
Age 0-17 3 2 1.6%
Age 18-24 15 6 6.6%
Age 25-44 43 36 24.9%
Age 45-64 59 71 41.0%
Age 65+ 33 49 25.9%
Unknown 0 0 0.0%
Total 153 164 100.0%
Confirmed Cases: # %
Travel Related 17 5.4%
Person-to-person acquired 80 25.2%
Community acquired 169 53.3%
Under investigation 51 16.1%
Total 317 100.0%
City/Unincorporated Area # %
City # % Camarillo 36 11.4%
Camarillo 36 11.4% Fillmore 3 0.9%
Fillmore 3 0.9% Lake Sherwood 3 0.9%
Moorpark 20 6.3% Moorpark 20 6.3%
Ojai 5 1.6% Newbury Park 7 2.2%
Oxnard 68 21.5% Oak Park 10 3.2%
Port Hueneme 5 1.6% Oak View 1 0.3%
Santa Paula 4 1.3% Ojai 5 1.6%
Simi Valley 72 22.7% Oxnard 68 21.5%
Thousand Oaks 45 14.2% Piru 1 0.3%
Ventura 26 8.2% Port Hueneme 5 1.6%
Unincorporated Area – West 2 0.6% Santa Paula 4 1.3%
Unincorporated Area – East 31 9.8% Santa Rosa Valley 2 0.6%
Total 317 100.0% Simi Valley 72 22.7%
Somis 1 0.3%
Thousand Oaks 45 14.2%
Ventura 26 8.2%
Westlake 8 2.5%
Total 317 100.0%

Ashley Bautista