County of Ventura COVID-19 update for April 10

Good Evening, Here’s your daily COVID-19 Update from the County of Ventura.

24 new cases

298 total cases

111 recovered cases

59 ever hospitalized

177 active cases under quarantine

10 deaths (age range 71-89; 5 females and 5 males)

5, 522 people tested


View today’s important video update with information at:





Stay Well At Home Order Business Information:

All Essential Businesses must have Social Distancing Protocol. All essential businesses must prepare and post by no later than April 12, 2020, a “Social Distancing Protocol” for each of their facilities in the County frequented by the public or employees. The Social Distancing Protocol must be posted at or near the entrance of the relevant facility and shall be easily viewable by the public and employees. A copy of the Social Distancing Protocol must also be provided to each employee performing work at the facility. All essential businesses shall implement the Social Distancing Protocol and provide evidence of its implementation to any authority enforcing the Order upon demand. View the news release, updated Order and Appendix A Social Distancing Protocol Form at: All information in Spanish at


Wellness Everyday Information As You Head Into the Weekend:


The outbreak of infectious diseases such as Covid-19 can be a stressful time. It is not uncommon to feel anxious or worried while listening, reading or watching the news. It’s important during times like these to keep track of your own physical and mental health, as well as safely stay connected to your community. Know the signs of stress and when and how to seek help for yourself, as well as loved ones. During this stressful time, don’t forget your own self-care. Take time to breathe, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and take a break from the news and social media periodically. View five mental health and wellness tips for self-quarantine at


Feeling lonely or isolated?
Call the Senior Support Line
(800) 235-9980

Ventura County Area Agency on Aging

211 Ventura County
Call 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211


Ventura County residents can join the free ongoing online help and support line to connect with others and learn healthy habits to maintain emotional well-being through the pandemic.

Online support/help is available at the following times. Feel free to join in at any time.



Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays – 4:30 to 6:30pm

Saturdays – 10:00 am to 12 noon


Tuesdays & Thursdays – 4:30 to 6:30pm

Saturdays – 1:00 to 3:00pm

Learn more:


More tips at:


Summary #
New cases 24
Total cases 298
Recovered Cases 111
Ever hospitalized 59
Active Cases Under Quarantine 177
Deaths 10
People Tested 5,522
Age and Sex of Confirmed Cases: Female Male %
Age 0-17 2 3 1.7%
Age 18-24 15 5 6.7%
Age 25-44 38 35 24.5%
Age 45-64 55 68 41.3%
Age 65+ 32 45 25.8%
Unknown 0 0 0.0%
Total 142 156 100.0%
Confirmed Cases: # %
Travel Related 16 5.4%
Person-to-person acquired 69 23.2%
Community acquired 156 52.3%
Under investigation 57 19.1%
Total 298 100.0%
City # % City/Unincorporated Area # %
Camarillo 35 11.7% Camarillo 35 11.7%
Fillmore 1 0.3% Fillmore 1 0.3%
Moorpark 19 6.4% Lake Sherwood 3 1.0%
Ojai 4 1.3% Moorpark 19 6.4%
Oxnard 63 21.1% Newbury Park 6 2.0%
Port Hueneme 5 1.7% Oak Park 9 3.0%
Santa Paula 4 1.3% Oak View 1 0.3%
Simi Valley 68 22.8% Ojai 4 1.3%
Thousand Oaks 43 14.4% Oxnard 63 21.1%
Ventura 25 8.4% Piru 1 0.3%
Unincorporated Area – West 2 0.7% Port Hueneme 5 1.7%
Unincorporated Area – East 29 9.7% Santa Paula 4 1.3%
Total 298 100.0% Santa Rosa Valley 2 0.7%
Simi Valley 68 22.8%
Somis 1 0.3%
Thousand Oaks 43 14.4%
Ventura 25 8.4%
Westlake 8 2.7%
Total 298 100.0%



Stay safe and have a great weekend!