County of Santa Barbara Update, Board of Supervisors Meeting on Feb. 4 — Coastal Resources Mitigation Fund Grants, Amendment to the Local Coastal Program, Telecommunication Ordinance Amendments

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The next meeting of the County Board of Supervisors is scheduled for
9 a.m. Tuesday, February 4, 2025
County Administration Building
Board Hearing Room, Fourth Floor
105 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara
The public may participate virtually, or in person at the County Board Hearing Room
in Santa Barbara or Santa Maria. 
Notice about Public Participation
E-mail Clerk of the Board
Reuniones de la Junta de Supervisores en español
(Board of Supervisors’ Meetings in Spanish)
El Condado de Santa Bárbara está ofreciendo interpretación en español de las reuniones de la Junta de Supervisores. Véalo en vivo en nuestro canal de YouTube en español, o las personas suscritas a la televisión por cable pueden acceder a la programación secundaria de audio (SAP) en los ajustes de idioma.
Aún se requiere pedir con anticipación la interpretación de los comentarios públicos en español.  Para proporcionar comentarios públicos en español, póngase en contacto con la Secretaría de la Junta llamando al (805) 568-2240 antes de las 4:00 p.m. del viernes anterior a la reunión de la Junta.

Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors’ meetings are available in Spanish. Watch live on our Spanish YouTube Channel, or Cable TV subscribers can access Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) in language settings.

Advance requests are still needed to interpret public comment originating in Spanish. To provide public comment in Spanish, contact the Clerk of the Board at (805) 568-2240, before 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Board meeting.

The full agenda is comprised of the administrative consent Calendar and departmental policy items. The  departmental policy agenda for this meeting is outlined below.
Due to the anticipated length of some agenda items, the Board may choose to reorder items for the best use of time. Times indicated on the agenda are estimates. You may monitor the progress of each meeting via CSBTV Channel 20 or online at

D1) Withdrawal of Appeal of the Blanco Grading for Access Road Improvements Project
(Estimated Time: 5 minutes)


The Board will accept the withdrawal of the Cargasacchi Appeal of the County Planning Commission Approval of the Blanco Grading for Access Road Improvements Project.  As a result, the County Planning Commission’s approval is final.

Agenda Item & Attachments

D2) Allocate 2024 and 2025 Coastal Resources Mitigation Fund Grants
(Estimated Time: 60 minutes)  


The Board will consider recommendations for the 2024 and 2025 Coastal Resources Mitigation Fund awards totaling $318,600. Proposals recommended by staff for funding are Wheelchair Freedom Trax Devices, Wildlife Hospital Equipment, Coastal Bicycle Parking, Classroom Program and Archives, Sea Caves Exhibits, Campus Point Coastal Mesa Restoration, and the Cabrillo Aquarium – Coastal Gallery Project. The Board will also consider recommendations to set aside the $790,377 for coastal acquisition proposals for the future.

Agenda Item & Attachments

D3) Senate Bill 9, Commercial Telecommunication Facilities, and Other Minor Ordinance Amendments Package
(Estimated Time: 60 minutes)



The Board will consider proposed updates to local zoning laws to align with recent state and federal regulations and requirements. The changes would allow for easier approval of up to two housing units per lot, urban lot splits under Senate Bill 9, updated rules for small wireless facilities, and minor adjustments to zoning for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and certain commercial uses. To keep the County’s zoning ordinances up to date, the Long-Range Planning Division bundles ordinance amendment packages for efficiency. These sets of recommended ordinance amendments are unrelated.

Agenda Item & Attachments

D4) Coastal Commission’s Conditional Certification of an Amendment to the Local Coastal Program  
(Estimated Time: 25 minutes)



The Board will consider accepting modifications from the California Coastal Commission to a previously approved amendment to the County’s Local Coastal Program.  The amendment streamlines permitting for supportive housing and mixed-use projects while ensuring compliance with state housing laws. The Coastal Commission conditionally approved the changes with two minor modifications to clarify design standards and require future updates to better protect coastal resources.

Agenda Item & Attachments
The items below are projected to be placed on an upcoming Board of Supervisors’ agenda and are subject to change. These are draft items until the final agenda is created and posted 72 hours or more preceding a Board of Supervisors’ meeting. For information on a particular anticipated item, please contact the department noted. 
For any other questions regarding the Board of Supervisors’ agendas, contact the Clerk of the Board Office at (805) 568-2240.
February 2025
Outdoor Lighting, Signs, and Miscellaneous Ordinance Amendments
Planning & Development Department
Contact: Ben Singer
Alternative Sentencing Program Annual Update
Sheriff’s Office
Contact: Kenny Callahan
Santa Barbara Co Wine Improvement District – Resolution of Formation
County Executive Office
Contact: Brittany Odermann
Updates on Jail Health Monitoring and CalAIM
Public Health Department
Contact: Mouhanad Hammami
Solar and Battery Microgrid Funding and Agreement Options
General Services
Contact: Brandon Kaysen
Appeals of the Sable Change of Owner, Operator, and Guarantor of the Santa Ynez Unit, POPCO Gas Plant, and Las Flores Pipeline System
Planning & Development Department
Contact: Jacquelynn Ybarra 
Meetings are broadcast live and rebroadcast on CSBTV Channel 20 according to a schedule provided in each agenda. Videos of each meeting and other County programming are available on our YouTube Channel CSBTV20
For information about obtaining a videotape of a public hearing or a schedule of CSBTV broadcasts, please call (805) 568-3427.

Helpful Links:

Understanding the Board of Supervisors’ hearing process