County jumps to second place ranking as a national Top 10 Digital County

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Achieves a Top 10 ranking for the fifth consecutive year.

VENTURA — For the fifth consecutive year, the County of Ventura has been named as a Top Digital County by the Center for Digital Government and the National Association of Counties.

The Digital Counties Survey identifies the best technology practices among U.S. counties, including initiatives that save tax dollars through efficiency, boost transparency, cybersecurity and engagement; or innovate through unique and exciting projects. The County finished in second place on the survey this year, up two spots from last year.

“This award is yet another external validation of the County’s commitment to technology and the quality of the work done by our IT Services department,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers. “Our Board of Supervisors has made the use of technology to better serve our residents a key strategic goal. This award not only shows we are continuing to meet that goal, it demonstrates that we’re among the best in the nation using technology and innovative solutions to conduct County business.”

The award in many ways reflects the County’s response to a series of natural disasters and tragic events. The year of 2018 started with the Thomas Fire, and included a mass shooting incident and two additional major wildfires – the Hill and Woolsey fires.

The award recognizes the enormous role the Information Technology Services Department played in both the emergency response and recovery from these incidents. Within an hour, they deployed an emergency mobile communications trailer to quickly support local assistance centers for post-fire recovery with full internet and voice communications. The County’s emergency website and various social media platforms provided constant information and updates to the public on evacuations, repopulation and recovery. The successful preservation of life and the rapid post-fire recovery efforts in Ventura County are significantly attributable to the County’s major use of technology.

“We have invested in technology and innovation to enable the County to deliver cost-effective, high-quality services to our community,” said Brian Ganley, Ventura County Chief Information Officer. “It’s an honor to receive a distinction like this five years in a row and it’s made possible by the County’s leadership team which is committed to technology, and the people in IT and the other departments who are constantly seeking ways to improve what we do for the public.”

According to the National Association of Counties and the Center for Digital Government, county governments are adapting and innovating as new frontiers of technology are crossed. The Digital Counties Survey spotlights the ways counties are using taxpayer resources to deploy technology to enhance services and benefit residents.

“Technology is a tremendous driver of economic vitality,” said Powers, “This achievement recognizes the quality of the technology the County is producing and validates our Board’s commitment to it. Our County is continuing to invest, evolve and explore new ways to use technology to improve our services and create efficiencies in our operations.”

Photo: Representatives from the County’s Information Technology Services Department are presented with the Top 10 Digital County award at the Board of Supervisors meeting on July 23.